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复数:fences  现在分词:fencing  过去式:fenced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.put fence,build fence,jump fence,mend fence,sit fence

adj.+n.wooden fence

v.open up

v.enclose,hedge,shut in,restrict,evade





n.1.a flat upright structure made of wood or wire that surrounds an area of land; a structure that horses jump over in a competition or race2.someone who buys and sells stolen property

v.1.to fight with a pght thin sword as a sport2.to buy or sell stolen property3.to put a fence around something

1.栅栏桌面 Faucets 水龙头 Fences 围栏 Garages 车库 ...

3.篱笆 fellow 研究员 fences 栅栏分隔符 filter 过滤器 ...

6.围篱 ... 9.I've Heard Your Love Songs( 情歌知我心) 10.Fences( 墙围) 1.The Chase( 爱从春天开始) ...


1.When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.跨越过篱笆,将水带过去且随地照料它。

2.It occurred to me that cleared of its ramshackle fences and planted with flowers and grass, it might form a pleasant park.我不由得想到要是把东倒西歪的栅栏拆除,再栽上花卉草木,这地方倒满可以开辟成一座赏心悦目的公园呢。

3.A country that has been built on immigrant labour is now building fences and demonizing foreigners, almost as if it did not need them.这个曾由外国移民建立的国家,此刻正在他们之间筑建着樊篱,并将其妖魔化,似乎再也不需要他们了。

4.It wasn't so much to do with Kirk Douglas running about and scapng fences. There was something ordinary about the film and real.不需要像科克·道格拉斯那样四处奔跑、翻墙越壁,电影和现实有着共通之处。

5.Yesterday there were a lot more because the war [sic] started and I heard some fences even got pushed over by people trying to get in.因为战争[原文]的爆发,昨天又有很多人涌入边界;我听说有些围墙甚至被试图入境的难民推倒。

6.Germany's Angela Merkel made clear two years ago that, if Russia wanted better relations with the EU, it had to mend fences with Poland.德国总理安哥拉·默克尔两年前就清楚的说过,如果俄罗斯想与欧盟有进一步的合作,那就必须改善同波兰之间的关系。

7.Japan's Fuji television said the Russians had laid out a carpet and set up fences at a border crossing near the Far Eastern city.日本富士电视台称,俄罗斯已经在远东城市海参崴铺上红地毯,并且在附近的一个边界过境点设立围栏。

8."It was a concentration camp, where people were not even allowed to talk, not even allowed to go near the fences, " she said.“那是一个集中营,人们不允许说话,甚至不允许走进栅栏”,她说。

9.News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it, faster than women can call it over the fences.消息传得似乎比小男孩冲出去告诉别人的速度还快,比女人隔着篱笆大声说消息的速度还要快。

10.Just as good fences made good neighbors, arms close to the body make for good table manners.正如好邻居之间应该保持距离,将手臂收拢也是构成好的餐桌礼节最基本的一点。