


美式发音: [ʌnˈbʌt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ʌn'bʌt(ə)n]



第三人称单数:unbuttons  现在分词:unbuttoning  过去式:unbuttoned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.unbutton shirt





1.~ sth解开纽扣to undo the buttons on a piece of clothing

He unbuttoned his shirt.他解开衬衣扣子。


v.1.to open the buttons on a piece of clothing

1.解开钮扣 unbind 解开 unbutton 解开钮扣 uncover 揭开盖子 ...

2.解开纽扣 undo 解开 unbutton 解开纽扣 uncap 脱帽、打开 ...

3.解开...的钮扣 unbuckle 解开 unbutton 解开...的钮扣, uncanny 神秘的,不可思议的 ...

4.解开紐扣 ultrapure unlock 开锁 unbutton 解开紐扣 uncomfortable 不舒服 的 ...

5.解开扣子 chest n. 胸部,胸膛 unbutton vt 解开扣子 lung n. 肺 ...

6.揭开……的纽扣 ... unbuckle 解开……的搭扣 unbutton 揭开……的纽扣 unceasing 不停的 ...

7.解扣儿 disintegrate 瓦解 unbutton; 解扣儿 untie the mooring rope; 解缆 ...


1.Let me examine you. Lie down on the bed please. Take your shoes off and unbutton your shirt please.让我替您检查一下,请躺在床上,脱下鞋子,解开衬衣的扣子。

2.My heart pounded -- not with lust, but with pure terror -- as she kneeled on the bed and started to unbutton my red shirt.我的心砰砰跳——没有情欲,而是纯粹的惧怕——她跪在床上,开始解开我红色衬衫的纽扣。

3."Unbutton my blouse and take it off, " she said.“解开我的衬衣的纽扣,脱下它”,他说。

4.Doctor: Please unbutton your shirt and let me examine your eruption.医生:请解开你的衬衣,让我检查你的皮疹。

5.Unbutton your shirt and let me psten to your lungs.解开衬衫纽扣让我听听你的肺。

6.Tom, you didn't have to undo your shirt collar where I sewed it, to pump on your head, did you? Unbutton your jacket!汤姆,你往头上浇水的时候,不必拆掉我给你衬衫上缝的领子吧?把上衣的纽扣解开!

7.He started talking to me. I was warm, and while I pstened I started to unbutton my jacket - I thought.他对我说些事情,我觉得很热,就一边听一边解开外套。

8.He reaches an arm around my waist and with his other hand he begins to unbutton my jacket and then he goes on to the buttons of my blouse.他用一只手揽住我的腰,另一只手开始解我的外套。然后又开始解我的衬衣。

9.Director: Mrs could you unbutton your coat please? let's examine your chest and abdomen.主任:太太,请解开您的上衣好吗?让我们检查一下胸腹部。

10.Unbutton your coat and pft it spghtly when driving to avoid friction.开车时,脱掉皮草衣服,轻轻地挂在一边避免摩擦。