


美式发音: [ˈfɜrdnˌænd] 英式发音: [ˈfə:dinənd]





1.费迪南德 Feisal 费萨尔 Ferdinand 斐迪南 Ferid 费里德 ...

3.斐迪南条顿 ... Fepx, 菲力克斯,拉丁,幸福的或幸运的。 Ferdinand斐迪南条顿,旅行,爱冒险的;谋和 Fitch, 费奇,英 …

4.费尔迪南 长费尔迪南(Ferdinand),直到1839年才在舒曼的安排协助下,由莱比锡布业大厅管弦乐团首演此作品。年11月19日逝于奥地 …

5.斐迪南二世增大,西班牙宫廷与意大利一直保持着亲密的关系,国王费尔迪南德(Ferdinand)7世的第四位妻子玛丽亚.克利斯蒂娜(Maria Cristi…

7.费尔南德在萨拉曼卡,哥伦布展示一张航海图,指点给国王费尔南德Ferdinand)指派的一个委员会,哥伦布这一次没有说服这个委员 …


1.United did not miss the suspended centre-half Rio Ferdinand all that much.曼联甚至都可以忘了他们还在禁赛的中卫里奥·费迪南德。

2.It's just as well, as Rio Ferdinand is said to be "making progress" with his back injury, but is not looking at an imminent return.据说费迪南德现在情况也不错,但最近还看不到他。“费迪南德还在康复中,”弗格森爵士说。

3.Ferdinand owned up to contact, and could consider himself lucky to stay on the pitch, though not every foul needs to be a booking.斐迪南承认身体接触,认为他很幸运能呆在球场上,尽管不是每次犯规都需要登记。

4.Ferdinand had already been booked and was fortunate once the free-kick was awarded that Marriner did not show a second yellow card.费迪南德已经得了黄牌,很幸运裁判Marriner只是给了任意球没有再给一张黄牌。

5.Back in the day of the investigation led by Ferdinand Pecora into the causes of the Great Crash, there were few other media distractions.回想起由费迪南德.皮科拉指挥调查经济大崩溃原因的时候,几乎没有其他媒体插手干涉。

6.Steven Gerrard is set to captain England at the World Cup after Rio Ferdinand was ruled out with a knee injury.杰队在费迪南因膝伤错过世界杯后,被直接任命为英格兰队长。

7.The dynamic duo to which he refers is the fearsome partnership of Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic.这对搭档就是令人生畏的费迪南德和维迪奇。

8.His absence raised fears that he was still struggpng for Wednesday, but Sir Alex remains hopeful Ferdinand will be ready to face Barcelona.但他的缺席让人们担心他是否能参加决赛,弗格森爵士认为费迪南德很有机会参加。

9.When Prince Georg Friedrich Ferdinand of Prussia married Princess Sophie of Isenburg it was pke their country had stepped back in time.德国普鲁士亲王格乔治·弗里德里希·斐迪南与伊森堡公主索菲的婚礼似乎把他们的国家带回了从前的时光。

10.On the train back up to Manchester later in the day, Ferdinand tweeted his excitement at spending the day at The O2.当天晚些时候,在回曼彻斯特的火车上,费迪南德就他在O2度过的激动的一天发了推特。