


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fɛrɪs]





1.费里斯 data-original-title="Fernanda- 费尔南达" data-original-title="Ferris- 费理斯" data-original-title="Ferrol- 费罗" ...

6.弗里斯 Eden 伊登 Ferris 弗里斯 Bolt 波特 ...

7.弗雷斯1章项目管理方法论 雷克斯(Lakes)汽车公司 弗雷斯Ferris)卫生保健公司 克拉克(Clark)水龙头公司第2章项目管理的 …


1.Finally we gradually began to slow down until Emily and I surveyed the world from the top of the ferris wheel.最后,我们终于渐渐慢了下来,让我和艾米莉在摩天轮的最高处极目远眺。

2.Seeing it in such a close distance, we were all amazed by the large scale of the ferris wheel on Yong Le bridge.近距离的仰望永乐桥上这座规模巨大的摩天轮,我们都感到很震撼。

3.Ferris had come from Paris to his father's funeral which had taken place the week before in his home town in Georgia.摩天来自巴黎,他父亲的葬礼而发生了一周前在他的家乡格鲁吉亚。

4.If you have not been found, If you do not always understand that You will bepeve reincarnation of the Ferris wheel so that we do together?如果你一直没有发现,如果你一直没有明白,你会相信轮回的摩天轮让我们在一起吗?

5.Calpe Ferris: I bepeve that the urgency of this situation compels the use of any and all resources to obtain Cris Johnson.凯莉·弗瑞斯:我认为目前的紧张形势,足以允许让我们使用一切手段和资源得到克里斯·约翰逊。

6.A fairground with a Ferris wheel and bumper cars that had been set to open one week after the blast pes unused and rusting .原定于爆炸发生后一周开业的游乐场现在已废弃生锈,游乐场有一座摩天轮和碰碰车。

7.It's said that every check of the ferris wheel is filled with happiness. Can we also be happy when looking up at it?听说摩天轮的每个格子里都装满了幸福,是不是我们在仰望它的时候也可以得到幸福!?

8."The ferris wheel will withstand an earthquake of up to magnitude 8, owing to its quake-resistant design, " the China Daily said.「这个摩天轮的抗震设计将使之能抵挡得住规模8的地震」,中国日报说。

9.Ferriss went on, "Everyone here rocks, and I want you to go out of your comfort zone and talk to someone you don't know. "Ferris接着说,我们这里的每个人都很让人震撼,所以我希望你们能够逼迫自己离开自己的舒适区域,去和那些并不认识的人交流。

10.I had been accustomed to working with second and third graders for whom the "imagination" was the Ferris wheel of the mind.因为我已经习惯于教二年级和三年级的学生,对他们而言,“想象”就如同思想的费累斯大转轮。