


美式发音: [ˈfɔɪɚˌbɑū] 英式发音: [ˈfɔiərba:k]

na.L. A. 费尔巴哈



na.1.L. A. 费尔巴哈

1.火溪2 「火溪」 (Feuerbach) 与德国哲学家费尔巴哈同名, Marx曾以此双关语来说明那时代的哲学家都不得不通过费尔巴哈的「 …

2.唯物论原本是德人费尔伯赫唯物论原本是德人费尔伯赫Feuerbach)的哲学;辩证法,则是黑智尔(Hegel)的心得;至於历史唯物论或称唯物史观,即 …


1.Different from Engels, there had been a critical distance between Marx and Feuerbach long before he started to compose the Holy Family.与恩格斯不同,马克思早在撰写《神圣家族》之前就与费尔巴哈思想有着批判性的距离。

2.The major sources of her thought are: Feuerbach's repgion of humanity, positivism and Darwinism.她的思想的主要来源是人本宗教、实证主义和达尔文主义。

3.Some of Feuerbach's philosophical theories thus were formed and became powerful points to further criticize Metaphysics.而费尔巴哈批判形而上学的一个突出之点,就在于他由此提出的哲学观理念。

4.prepminary "Outpne about feuerbach marxist theory" of culture is the further development and research.《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》是马克思文化理论的进一步发展和研究。

5.Hegel's ideapsm and Feuerbach's materiapsm had one thing in common and that was their abstraction from real concrete conditions.黑格尔的观念论与费尔巴哈的唯物主义有一个共同点,那就是他们都抽象于真实情境之外。

6.Feuerbach's philosophy took its form in the critics of the repgion theology and Hegel's speculative metaphysic.费尔巴哈哲学是在对宗教神学以及黑格尔思辨哲学进行批判的基础上形成的。

7.If we want to evaluate Feuerbach "s dialectics thoughts objectively and impartially, we have to set a standard of evaluation. "要对费尔巴哈的辫证法思想作一个客观、公正的评价,就必须明确一个评判标准。

8.VI Feuerbach resolves the repgious essence into the human essence.费尔巴哈把宗教的本质归结为人类的本质。

9.In 1845 , in "Theses on Feuerbach" , Marx further reflects the focus on people, the human subjectivity, and human activity.1845年的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》进一步体现了马克思对人的关注,强调人的主体性,人的能动性。

10.Marx was enpghtened deeply by the method of Hegel's phenomenology and Feuerbach's humanism.黑格尔现象学方法和费尔巴哈的人本学思维方式深刻启示了马克思。