


美式发音: [fez] 英式发音: [fez]


网络释义:菲斯;非斯;幻想战记(Fantasy Earth Zero)




1.(一些伊斯兰国家男人戴的平顶有缨无檐)红圆帽a round red hat with a flat top and a tassel but no brim , worn by men in some Muspm countries


n.1.a small round red hat with a flat top and no brim that men wear in some Muspm countries

1.菲斯 梳子 comb 土耳其毡帽 fez 镜子 glass ...

5.费兹大冒险从此他的世界将彻底改变,*这都怪那顶从天而降的红色土耳其帽FEZ )!


1.Mind you this is a man who got lost in the Marrakech Medina. . . now if it had been Fez, we might have understood.值得一提,这男人曾经在梅迪纳的马拉喀什迷过路。如果这是菲斯的话,我们大概可以理解。

2."He gave much money so that I could buy books in Fez, " wrote Ould T'wayr Al-Janna.“他给了我很多钱让我在非斯买书,”乌尔德·瓦尔·艾尔亚娜写到。

3.After walking through the Sheesha Courtyard and past a classic Moroccan tiled fountain, you're ready for a trip to Fez or Marrakech.穿过水烟筒院落,经过一个摩洛哥式喷泉,你就好比到了非斯或马拉喀什。

4.Though Fez's city council endorsed the mayor's proposed ban, it is unpkely to go into effect. Tolerance, for the time being, prevails.尽管非斯的市议会批准了市长的禁酒令,但不大可能会真正地得到实施。就目前而言,所有行为都要以宽容为重。

5.Now, the country's shifting mores are reflected in a proposed new look : long dresses, skirts below the knee and Ottoman-style fez caps.现在,土耳其不断变化的风俗体现在一种拟议中的新形象上:长连衣裙、过膝短裙,以及奥斯曼帝国风格的毡帽。

6.Try stepping on dead animal hides in a tannery in Fez, Morocco, while standing waist -high in pigeon droppings.不然,到摩洛哥费兹的皮革工厂踩著兽尸的毛皮,顺便站在深度及腰的鸽粪堆里试试。

7.Craftsmen from the Moroccan city of Fez built one of the new galleries.来自摩洛哥非斯市的工匠们修建了其中一间画廊。

8.fez is a brimless felt hat, usually red, with a black tassel hanging from crown.土耳其毡帽种毡帽,通常,帽顶垂根黑穗。

9.The bearded man had on a fez, the other's head was bare, and the snow had lodged in his hair.生络腮胡子的那个戴一顶希腊式的圆统帽,另一个光着头,雪花落在他的头发里。

10.A big feather bobbing in his turban-fez, huge glasses askew , and his false moustaches flying!头巾上插著一支大羽毛左摇右晃,大眼镜戴得歪歪斜斜,假胡子飘飘欲飞!