


美式发音: [ˈwɔrˌpɑθ] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)ˌpɑːθ]




warpathIDM(be/go) on the warpath(informal)(怒不可遏)准备开火(to be) angry and wanting to fight or punish sb


n.1.in former times, a route taken by Native North Americans on the way to war

1.敌对行动 ... 地铁站乘地铁外出 逛街购物, 他们俩分别在片中扮演 “刚人 Colossus” 和 “征途 Warpath” 。 ...

3.战戟 巨浪( Beachcomber) 战戟Warpath) 感知器( Perceptor) ...

4.战意 播放爱之歌( Courtship Song) 沙场( Warpath) 播放沙场( Warpath) ...

6.冲锋头 月星 Moonstar 战迹 Warpath 危境 Danger ...


1.It had been the region of their First Warpath, and it carried back the minds of both to scenes of tenderness as well as to hours of triumph.这是他们第一次踏上征途的地方,它使他们俩想起了往日那些可歌可泣的动人场面和胜利的时刻。

2.This helps explain why Chinese leaders act more pke people under siege than pke people on an expansionist warpath.这便是为什么中国的领导人看起来更像是被围困的人,而非开疆拓土的扩张者。

3.Repubpcans in Congress have gone on the warpath this budget season against family planning programs at home and abroad.这个预算季,国会的共和党正就国内国外的家庭计划项目大加干预。

4.Mr Erdogan, pkening Israel to a "spoiled child" , has meanwhile gone on the warpath.埃尔多安认为以色列就是一个“惯坏了的孩子”,并已经开始为战争作着准备。

5.Barry is on the warpath looking for the person who let down the tyres on his bicycle.巴里正怒气冲冲地寻找那个把他自行车轮胎气放掉的人算帐。

6.Be sure to be at work on time tomorrow, everybody. The BOSS is on the warpath because so many people have been punching in late recently.大家明天一定要按时上班。最近晚点打出勤卡的人太多了,老板非常恼火。

7.Be careful if you see the manager this morning. He's on the warpath about a complaint he received from a customer.如果你今天早晨见到经理的话,要小心,他收到顾客的一封投诉信,他正为此生气。

8.Governments are on the warpath, imposing bonus taxes and new rules to force bank paymasters to change the way they compensate their talent.各国政府都在采取行动,开征奖金税并制定新规,迫使银行薪酬主管改变给员工付薪的方式。

9.Here comes the boss and he's on the warpath.老板杀气腾腾地走过来了。

10.The government went on the warpath against drug traffickers.政府对贩卖毒品的人采取了打击的态度。