


网络释义:烟气脱硫(flue gas desulfurization);烟气脱硫装置(Flue Gas Desulphurization);湿法烟气脱硫


1.烟气脱硫(flue gas desulfurization)目前烟气脱硫FGD)所占比重较大,被认为是前景最为看好的一类。烟气脱硫技术根据吸收剂及脱硫产物在脱硫过程中的干 …

2.烟气脱硫装置(Flue Gas Desulphurization)烟气脱硫装置FGD)的钢制设备在运行过程中处于很强的腐蚀环境中,如不进行防腐,将很快地被腐蚀。通常,最为有效的 …

3.湿法烟气脱硫钙基湿法烟气脱硫(FGD)工艺产生大量由亚硫酸钙、硫酸钙及少量未反应的脱硫剂组成的脱硫渣,由钙基脱硫渣生产优质石膏是 …

4.烟气脱硫技术烟气脱硫技术FGD)是指燃烧后的脱硫技术,按照脱硫产物的干湿形态分类为:干法、半干法、湿法工艺,其中湿法烟气脱 …

5.烟气脱硫系统烟气脱硫系统(FGD)处理烟气量为二台机组100%的烟气量,整套系统由以下子系统组成:1)吸收塔系统 2)烟气系统(包括烟气再 …


1.The kind of FGD equipment by the flue gas crossing the falpng film on the axial finned - bundles is a new FGD technique.烟气横向冲刷翅片管束外表面下降液膜的脱硫方式是一种新的湿法烟气脱硫技术。

2.Gypsum also has a commercial value, and this needs to be incorporated into the overall assessment of the FGD processes.石膏也有商业价值和被合并进FGD过程的总的评价的这需要。

3.In paoning FGD market, ammonia resource is rich, so ammonia desulphurization technology is to be selected prioritly.辽宁地区氨来源广泛,氨法烟气脱硫技术适合在辽宁应用。

4.The experimental and calculated results contributed to the design of a semi dry FGD system designed.实验和理论模型的计算结果为半干法脱硫装置的设计提供了帮助。

5.The experimental study of FGD residues in cement producing and being the mixture in cement is presented In this paper.本实验进行了脱硫灰在烧制水泥熟料和用作水泥混合材两方面的实验研究。

6.It has special perfect apppcation in gypsum dehydration in the course of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by wet process.尤其在湿法烟气脱硫(FGD)中的石膏脱水方面有着很好的应用。

7.The gas duct layout of two-inlet spray scrubber was proposed to reduce the energy consumption of FGD system effectively.提出一种可有效降低脱硫系统能耗的双入口喷淋塔烟道布置方案。

8.Influence on wet FGD system by raising current velocity of flue gas was analyzed and discussed in an all-round way.全面地分析和讨论了提高烟气流速对烟气湿法脱硫系统的影响。

9.The absorber adopted for the FGD system is the extremely simple configuration of spray tower with in-situ forced oxidation system.烟气脱硫系统的吸收塔就是一个非常简单带有强迫氧化系统的淋水塔。

10.According to its operation principle and the function in FGD apparatus, the essay discusses its lectotype principle.根据其基本原理和在整个湿法烟气脱硫装置中的作用,探讨了水力旋流器的选型原则。