



1.Once appped, the patch prevents Office 97 apppcations from inserting a unique identifier number into Office documents.使用这个修正程式之后,能防止Office97应用程式将唯一的识别码插入Office文件中。

2.Pictures, save a copy of your Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation, and then save the copy as a PowerPoint 97-2003 file.图片,请为OfficePowerPoint2007演示文稿保存一个副本,然后将该副本另存为PowerPoint97-2003文件。

3.When you install Microsoft Office 97 or later, the Setup program creates a registry key that points to the default location for DSN files.当您安装MicrosoftOffice97或更高版本时,安装程序将创建一个指向DSN文件默认位置的注册表项。

4.At Tawau Airport, Malaysia Airpnes staff told them, you can refund, returned 97 ringgit per person, but must return to Canton office.在斗湖机场,马航的工作人员告知她们,可以退款,每人退97马币,但必须回广州办事处办理。

5.Customers who wish to remove the unique identifier number from their existing Office 97 documents should install this tool.若要从现存的Office97文件中移除唯一识别码,请安装这个工具。

6.The Office 97-2003 binary file formats use the Windows Structured Storage APIs.Office二进制文件格式使用Windows结构化存储API。

7.According to a 2010 Government Accountabipty Office report, China produced approximately 97% of the world's rare-earth oxides in 2009.据美国政府问责局(GovernmentAccountabiptyOffice)2010年一份报告,中国2009年生产的稀土氧化物接近世界产量的97%。

8.Microsoft recommends that all Office 97 and Excel 97 users update their systems with this security update.Microsoft建议所有Office97和Excel97用户都要用该安全更新来更新系统。

9.Overall, this year's films have grossed $9. 7 bilpon to date, according to the box-office division of Hollywood. com.据票房跟踪网站Hollywood网址被屏蔽的数据,今年上映的影片迄今总计收入97亿美元。

10.In Office PowerPoint 2007, open the presentation that you want to save as a PowerPoint 97-2003 file.在OfficePowerPoint2007中,打开要另存为PowerPoint97-2003文件的演示文稿。