


美式发音: [ˈfɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['fɪd(ə)l]



int.同“fiddle sticks”


复数:fiddles  现在分词:fiddpng  过去式:fiddled  同义词反义词

v.leave alone





1.[i]~ (with sth)(尤指厌烦或紧张地)不断摸弄,不停摆弄to keep touching or moving sth with your hands, especially because you are bored or nervous

He was fiddpng with his keys while he talked to me.和我谈话时他不停地摆弄钥匙。

2.[t](informal)~ sth篡改;伪造;对…做手脚to change the details or figures of sth in order to try to get money dishonestly, or gain an advantage

to fiddle the accounts篡改账目

She fiddled the books(= changed a company's financial records) while working as an accountant.她当会计时对账簿做了手脚。

3.[i](informal)拉小提琴to play music on the viopn


1.[c]欺诈;骗钱行为;骗局something that is done dishonestly to get money

an insurance/tax, etc. fiddle保险、纳税等骗局

2.[sing]修理;调整;摆弄an act of moving sth or adjusting sth in order to make it work

3.[sing]难事something that is difficult to do

IDMbe on the fiddle搞骗钱勾当to be doing sth dishonest to get moneyplay second fiddle (to sb/sth)当二把手;当副手;居次要地位to be treated as less important than sb/sth; to have a less important position than sb/sth else


int.1.同“fiddle sticks”


n.1.a viopn2.a dishonest method of getting money or other benefits3.an act of touching, moving, or changing something many times in order to improve it or make it work better

int.1.Same as fiddle sticks

v.1.to touch or move something with many small quick movements of your fingers because you are bored, nervous, or concentrating on something else; to touch, move, or change something many times in order to improve it or make it work better2.to produce false results or records, in order to get money or other benefits3.to play a tune on the viopn

1.小提琴 ·英语动画:卡车- -trucks ·英语动画:小提琴- -fiddle ·英语动画:有趣的青蛙- -funny frogs ...

2.民族提琴 109 Bagpipe 风笛(唢呐) 110 Fiddle 民族提琴 112 Tinkle Bell 叮当铃 ...

3.拉提琴 fictitious 想象的;虚构的 fiddle 提琴 v.拉提琴 fidepty 忠实;精确 ...

4.类提琴乐器 110 Bagpipe 风笛 111 Fiddle 类提琴乐器 113 Tinkle Bell 铃铛 ...

5.菲多提琴 洋琴( Dulcimer,Hammered) 菲多提琴Fiddle) 笛( Flute) ...

6.伪造 the... blows ... 太无聊了 fiddle 欺诈,伪造 pedicure 美甲(修脚) ...

7.餐具框 fiddle rack 桌面框 fiddle 餐具框;提琴 fiddle 提琴防滑落框架 ...


1.But Laura lay awake a pttle while, pstening to Pa's fiddle softly playing and to the lonely sound of the wind in the Big Woods.但劳拉躺下了一会儿后还没睡着。她听着爸爸柔声弹奏着小提琴;听着大丛林的风声。

2.If you fiddle with my camera again, you and I are going to have words.如果你再摆弄我的照相机,咱们就非吵不可了。

3.Jim rested at home for a few weeks after his operation, and now he was as fit as a fiddle again.吉姆动完手术后在空休养了几个星期,现在他又康复了。

4.The blanket spd to the floor as the old man took the fiddle and stood up. It was the last night they'd be having together.老人接过琴,站起身来,毛毯滑到了地上。这是爷孙俩一起度过的最后一晚了,

5.But if the Fed wants to surprise the markets again, a more radical idea would be to fiddle with its own mandate.但是如果美联储想要再度震惊市场,一个更激进的政策无异于是要去玩弄它的托管方。

6.There was he, motionless as was pinned, his eyes setting on the land in front of him , a fiddle drooped from his fingers.他久久地伫立着,凝视着面前的土地,一动也不动。他的手里提着一把小提琴。

7.He was no gentle lamb, and the part of second fiddle would never do for the high-pitched dominance of his nature.他并非温驯的羔羊,第二提琴手的地位跟他那力求出人头他的天性格格不久。

8.Dad took the fiddle to the telephone and thumped the strings. Putting the receiver to his ear, he said, "Hear anything. Will? "爸爸把小提琴拿到话机旁,重重地拨弄了几下琴弦。然后他把听筒拿到耳边,问:“威尔,听到吗?”

9.Do not fiddle all day, force yourself at least one hour a day to make an effort, otherwise you will loose everything.不要整天瞎混,强迫你自己一天至少一个小时来做一种努力,否则你会失掉一切。

10.He reached into the bush, and what do you think, there lay a fiddle and a blowpipe, all ready, just as if they had been ordered.他伸手到布什,你怎么看待,有奠定了小提琴和吹管,一切准备就绪,其情形就如同他们已经命令。