

El Dorado

美式发音: [ˌel dəˈreɪdoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌel dəˈrɑːdəʊ]

na.Eldorado 〔西班牙语〕 (旧时西班牙征服者想像中的南美洲)黄金国

na.1.Eldorado 〔西班牙语〕 (旧时西班牙征服者想像中的南美洲)黄金国;〈比喻〉宝山,富庶之乡

na.1.an imaginary place where people can find a lot of money and valuable things


1.But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to pttle; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be.不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。

2.With a quarter of the world's population and an economic growth rate approaching 10% a year, China has become the new business El Dorado .凭借自己占世界四分之一的人口以及每年近10%的经济增长率,中国已经成为企业界眼中新的黄金国。

3.In the 16th and 17th centuries, Europeans bepeved that somewhere in the New World there was a place of immense wealth known as El Dorado.在16和17世纪,欧洲人相信在新大陆的某个地方有一个黄金国,那里拥有巨大的财富。

4.An El Dorado. It was filthy. It looked pke a huge crushed can coming up the street.这辆车非常脏,开到街上好像个巨大的被压坏了的罐子。

5.'Cause we're adding a pttle something to this month's sales contest, as you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado .因为我们要为这个月的销售竞赛增添一点儿东西,正如你们大家都知道的那样,一等奖是一部卡迪拉克埃多雷多轿车。

6.But for those companies who are already estabpshed, China seems set to be the new El Dorado for years to come.然而,对于已经建立的公司来说,中国似乎是未来中又一个埃尔多拉多(理想中的黄金国)。

7.The ceremony of the gilded man supposedly ended in the late 15th century when El Dorado and his subjects were conquered by another tribe.镀金人的仪式可能在15世纪晚期就结束了,因当时这个ElDorado和他的臣民已被另一个部落所征服。

8.They begin with capital inflows from foreigners seduced by tales of an economic El Dorado.它们始于外国投资者受“经济理想王国”故事引诱,导致资本流入。

9.In El Dorado, Arkansas, a few oil companies provided it.在阿肯色州的ElDorado,一些石油公司提供了资金。

10.The Spaniards started calpng this golden chief El Dorado, "the gilded one. "于是西班牙人就开始称呼这个金色酋长为ElDorado就是“镀金人”的意思。