


美式发音: ['faɪdoʊ] 英式发音: ['faɪdəʊ]







n.1.a name often used for referring to a pet dog

na.1.The variant of FI.DO

1.菲多 Dannis 丹尼斯 Fido 费多 Jim Carrey 金•凯瑞 ...

3.僵尸管家...内涵的丧尸黑色童话,构思黑强悍 毁灭战士(Doom)……科幻的火星版《生化危机》,游戏改编电影的跟风作,巨 …

4.僵尸人 38.街角遇到 WOW 61.僵尸人 FIDO 7.恋爱操作团 Cyrano ...

5.七喜 Ferrari/ 法拉利 Fido/ 七喜 Finette/ 纷丽 ...

6.飞度 凡士林/ FanShiLin 飞度/ fido 福临门/ FuLinMen ...

7.西方常见的狗名 6. crimson adj. 深红色的 7. Fido n. 西方常见的狗名 ...


1.Thank you. I heard, and frankly fire hydrant, I don't think it's funny or appropriate for you to call your sister fido.谢谢,我听到了,消防栓,你叫你妹妹错币,这并不好笑,也不适当。

2.But time to alarm them to take safety measures for their beloved Fido and catty as company's are geared up to consider their safety as well.当地震来时,他们考虑自己安全的同时,也要采取措施保护他们心爱的狗和猫。

3.One hot day, after dinner, his master was sleeping in a summer-house , with Fido by his side.一个大热天,他的主人吃完晚饭后就在凉亭睡觉,费多待在主人旁边。

4.Dante: Easy, Fido! How about I take you out for a walk? Come on puppy, let's go!但丁:放松,古怪的小家伙。我带你出去遛遛如何?来吧,小狗,我们走!

5.Dante: Easy, Fido! How about I take you out for a walk Come on puppy, lets go!但丁:简单,伱这个畸形怪物。我带伱出去遛遛如何?来吧,小狗,我们走!

6.Play: Fido, you'll regret this. How about I take you out for a walk? You worm!怪物,你迟早要后悔的,等我带你出来溜溜吧,可怜虫!

7.On Sunday the London Film Festival inaugurates the first Fido Awards, honouring the cinematic talents of this year's leading canines.星期天,伦敦电影节开创了首个Fido大奖,表彰今年担任主演的犬类电影明星。

8.Before you pull a tick off Fido, dab the critter with rubbing alcohol to make it loosen its grip.在你抓虱子之前,用酒精轻轻拍一下它,让其松手。

9.Just pke you don't want to rest your computer on your bed or on your floor, you also want to keep that thing away from Fido.正如你不能把本本放在床上或地板上一样,你的狗狗也得和电脑保持距离。

10."The first thing we tell them is don't let Fido or Fifi inside, " says Rebecca Fyffe, of the Wildpfe Control Popcy Institute.“我们告诉人们,首先别让宠物进到屋里,”控制野生动物政策机构的瑞贝卡.法伊弗(RebeccaFyffe)提到。