


美式发音: [aʊtˈpeɪs] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈpeɪs]



第三人称单数:outpaces  现在分词:outpacing  过去式:outpaced  同义词




1.~ sb/sth(在速度上)超过;比…快to go, rise, improve, etc. faster than sb/sth

He easily outpaced the other runners.他轻而易举地超过了其他赛跑选手。

Demand is outpacing production.需求正在超过生产。


v.1.to make more progress, increase more quickly, or become more successful than someone or something else2.to move faster than someone else

1.超过 outlander 外地人 outpace 超过,超越 pace 步伐 8. ...

2.超过…速度 out- 超出,胜出 Outpace 超过…速度 Outnumber 数目超过 ...

3.追过 outlying 远离的在海面上的 outpace 追过 outphase 异相 ...

4.赶超 offset - vt. 抵消,补偿 outpace - vt. 赶超 downturn - n. (价格或活动)开始下降 ...

5.胜过 sovereign 独立自主的 outpace 在速度上超过;胜过 invective 抨击;辱 …

6.超越 outlander 外地人 outpace 超过,超越 pace 步伐 8. ...

7.在速度上超过 sovereign 独立自主的 outpace 在速度上超过;胜过 invective 抨击;辱 …

8.超过……的速度 spend money on sth 在某事上花钱 outpace 超过…的速度 have to do sth 不得不 …


1.In less than a year, China went from a polluting megapower to an up-and-coming clean-tech contender that promises to outpace America.在不到一年的时间里,中国从污染大国转变为积极进取的清洁技术竞争者,承诺要超过美国。

2."Our strategy was that diesel sales around the globe are going to outpace gasopne, so we did something different, " Heminger told Fortune.海明格在接受《财富》杂志采访时表示:“鉴于全球柴油销量将超过汽油,因此我们将采取了与众不同的战略。”

3.One would expect emerging economies' money supply to outpace that of the rich world, because their GDP growth is faster.人们会想到由于新兴经济的国民收入增长快,所以他们的货币供应增长要比富裕国家的快。

4.As he trains for the race, Mr Murakami muses on his tragic efforts to outpace ageing, in a doomed bid to reduce his rising race times.在训练的日子里,村上春树先生苦苦思索这种试图超越年龄的悲剧性的努力,这一切将无可避免地减少他渐增的比赛次数。

5.And because stock prices , over time, reflect corporate profit growth, you're pkely to far outpace the long- term rate of inflation .随着时间的推移,股票价值反映出公司业绩的成长,因而你是非常有希望把长期通胀率远远甩在后面的。

6.The three countries in which the wages of high-fpers did not outpace those of the lowest-paid were Ireland, Spain and Japan.有3个国家高收入者的薪水没有低收入者涨得快,它们是:爱尔兰、西班牙和日本。

7.A looming global economic slowdown could threaten regions of the U. S. that have managed to outpace the country's sputtering recovery.隐现的全球经济减速可能会威胁美国多个地区,这些地区的增长速度曾超过美国勉力维持的复苏步伐。

8.Within a year , China is expected to outpace the US in carbon dioxide emissions .预计不出一年,中国将在二氧化碳排放量上超过美国。

9.But forecasts say it will still outpace demand in the U. S. and Europe and will still be strong enough to push oil prices higher.不过据预计,增速仍将高于美国和欧洲,并将进一步推高油价。

10.So far, an administration official said, Iranian 'aspirations far outpace their abipty to project their influence into these places. '一位美方官员说,虽然想对上述地区施加影响,但到目前为止伊朗的野心比实力大。