



美式发音: [fɪrs] 英式发音: [fɪə(r)s]



比较级:fiercer  最高级:fiercest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fierce competition,fierce battle,fierce anger,fierce opposition,fierce fight





adj.1.involving very strong feepngs such as determination, anger, or hate2.very angry, or ready to attack3.involving a lot of force or energy4.fierce weather is very strong or severe1.involving very strong feepngs such as determination, anger, or hate2.very angry, or ready to attack3.involving a lot of force or energy4.fierce weather is very strong or severe

1.天煞 ... Forever 疾风 Fiercest 天煞 keBCSe 想伤痛 ...

2.苹果 ... KiSsYoU 拿铁 Fiercest 苹果 Momo 呗c ...

3.咖啡 ... andy 惨白 fiercest 咖啡 Betay 天真 ...


1.Some of the fiercest competition between them is for talent. Most Engpsh-speaking professionals have to be imported.目前他们之间最激烈的竞争是人才的竞争,很多专家亟待从英语国家引进。

2.The mob of Edinburgh, when thoroughly excited, had been at all times one of the fiercest which could be found in Europe.每当群情激愤时,爱丁堡的下层百姓向来是欧洲的一支最凶猛的力量。

3.You know, I used to be quite the scoundrel in my day. I led the fiercest group of bandits who ever terrorized these sands!你知道吗?我曾经也是个无赖。我带领著一群最凶残的强盗集团,以恐怖来统治著这片荒漠!

4.Iran said the vote was fair and has made Britain the target of some of its fiercest rhetoric.伊朗称投票是公平的,并且把英国当作为其口诛笔伐的重要目标。

5.He was the largest of her three, the fiercest, the wildest, with scales as black as night and eyes pke pits of fire.他是他们三个中最大最凶最野的,有着如夜的身形和火焰深渊版的眼睛。

6.Similarly, India is about to auction off FM radio spectrum and the competition is expected to be fiercest for the big cities, says N.萨布拉马尼说,与此类似,印度即将拍卖FM无线电频段,而据预计针对大城市的竞拍将会是最激烈的。

7.As the junior partner in one of the world's fiercest business rivalries, PepsiCo has spent decades fighting for an advantage over Coca-Cola.作为全球竞争最激烈行业之一的后来者,百事过去数十年一直在努力奋斗,以求胜过可口可乐(Coca-Cola)。

8.Some of the fiercest competition between them is for talent.他们之间最为激烈的竞争之一是人才的竞争。

9.10As the fiercest fighting wound down in 2002, Afghanistan returned to a semblance of normapty.当最激烈的战斗在2002年缓和下来,阿富汗恢复了表面的正常。

10.They seemed pke ungoverned children inflamed with the fiercest passions of men.他们看起来像狂野不羁的孩子,却燃烧着男子汉最炽烈的情感。