


美式发音: [mæˈstektəmi] 英式发音: [mæ'stektəmi]






1.乳房切除术a medical operation to remove a person's breast


n.1.a medical operation in which a womans breast is removed

1.乳房切除术 淋巴结清除术 Lymph Node Dissection 乳房切除术 Mastectomy 乳房重建手术 Breast Reconstru…

2.乳房切除手术已接受两边乳房切除手术mastectomy),以防患上乳癌,引起一阵讨论。 中因盲肠炎并发腹膜炎致死,想当远洋船员,要先 …

3.乳房全切除A. 乳房全切除 (Mastectomy)与乳房保留切除(Breast conserving surgery) 治疗的选择。过去乳癌病人的标准手术是改良式乳房 …


1.You find fault with your body. . . . three doors down, a woman has learned that she will undergo a mastectomy .你在你的身体上找寻不足,三扇门后,某一个女人已经获知她将要进行乳房切除术。

2.That if you got breast cancer, he might be asked to sign the form authorizing a mastectomy.假如你得了乳腺癌,医生也会让他在你的乳房切除手术同意书上签字。

3.Long-term outcomes are the same regardless of whether a woman is treated with a lumpectomy or a mastectomy.不管一个女人是进行乳房肿瘤切除术或乳房切除术,远期疗效是相同的。

4.She watched her mom endure the pain of the disease and the supposed cure as she underwent a mastectomy and chemotherapy.她眼睁睁的看着母亲忍受病痛的折磨,还要经受乳房切除术和化疗等必要的治疗。

5.In those cases, as well as with early-stage tumors, the first tough decision is choosing between a lumpectomy and a mastectomy.这种情况以及早期肿瘤,第一个困难的抉择是切除肿瘤,还是切除乳房。

6.Conclusion Age is not the taboo of radical mastectomy, and elderly patients benefit from adjuvant endocrine therapy for more.结论年纪并不是乳腺癌根治术的禁忌,且老年患者从辅助内分泌治疗中获益较多。

7.Blood pressure was initially controlled and he was administered a simple mastectomy under local anesthesia.最初血压控制和管理,他是一个简单的乳房切除术局部麻醉下。

8.She recently had a double mastectomy as a preventative measure because both her parents had breast cancer.由于她的双亲为乳腺癌患者,她最近为预防乳腺癌作了双侧乳腺切除术。

9.Others are diagnosed with cancer in one breast, have a mastectomy, and decide to have the healthy breast removed as well.还有一些单乳患癌的女性在进行切除术的时候,痛下决心将健康的另一半也移除了。

10.Hobby had chemotherapy, radiation and a double mastectomy, among other surgeries.Hobby曾做过化疗、放疗和两次乳房切除术。