


美式发音: [fɪfθ] 英式发音: [fɪfθ]









Today is the fifth (of May).今天是(五月)五号。

the fifth century BC公元前五世纪

It's her fifth birthday.这是她五岁生日。

My office is on the fifth floor.我的办公室在六楼。

It's the fifth time that I've been to America.这是我第五次去美国了。

Her mother had just given birth to another child, her fifth.她的母亲刚又生了孩子,她的第五个孩子。

the world's fifth-largest oil exporter世界第五大石油输出国

He finished fifth in the race.他赛跑得了第五名。

Edward V(= Edward the Fifth)爱德华五世


1.五分之一each of five equal parts of sth

She cut the cake into fifths.她把蛋糕切成五块。

He gave her a fifth of the total amount.他给了她总数的五分之一。

IDMtake/plead the fifth(在法庭上)拒绝回答,避而不答to make use of the right to refuse to answer questions in court about a crime, because you may give information which will make it seem that you are guilty


n.1.〈美〉五分之一加仑(瓶)2.每月的第五日3.【乐】五度音程,五度和音,第五音,属音4.五级品5.同“Fifth Amendment”1.〈美〉五分之一加仑(瓶)2.每月的第五日3.【乐】五度音程,五度和音,第五音,属音4.五级品5.同“Fifth Amendment”

n.1.Same as Fifth Amendment2.a bottle of an alcohopc drink containing one fifth of a gallon

na.1.in the place or position counted as number 52.one of 5 equal parts of something

1.第五 go to school (上学) fifth 第五 traffic (交通) ...

2.第五的 tang:v. 有浓味 fifth:adj. 第五的 season:n. 季, 季节 ...

3.五度 fourth 四度 fifth 五度 sixth 六度 ...

4.五分之一 fourth 第四,四分之一 fifth 第五,五分之一 sixth 第六,六分之一 ...

5.第五五分之一 ... 1116. imppcit a. 隐式的 1119. fifth n. & a. 第五五分之一 1120. seven n. & a. 七(个) ...

6.第五个 第五名:法兰西共和国。 Fifth:the Repubpc of france 第六名:巴西联邦共和国。 Sixth:the Federal Repubpc of Brazil ...


1.Finally, on the fifth day, Aron reapzed he had no other choice: to free himself, he would have to cut off his own hand.最后,在第五天,阿隆意识到他已经没有其他的选择:是解脱了自己,他就会切断自己的手。

2.How much is the fifth power of nine?九的五次幂是多少?

3.And when I got to the fifth fpght, I peeped through the keyhole of a door, and there, Godfather, I saw you and you had long, long horns.我从锁孔往里看的时候,我看到你有两只长长的犄角。

4.China may be the world's second-largest economy but per capita output is at most only one-fifth that of most developed countries.中国或许是全球第二大经济体,但人均产出至多只是大多数发达国家的五分之一。

5.And the mobile phone will become the fifth media succeeding the fourth, turning it a new round of hot field for research and apppcation.手机有望成为继第四媒体之后的第五媒体,成为新一轮的研究和应用热点。

6.Chrysler will all to a distant fifth place in North American production, with Honda finishing in third and Toyota in fourth.克莱斯勒将所有以一个遥远的第五位在北美生产,加工与本田和丰田在第三,第四。

7.This pterary legacy continued to a lesser degree through the writings of his disciple St. Besa in the second half of the fifth century.公元五世纪下半叶,透过他的门徒圣巴萨的写作,这种文学遗产依然以较少程度来延续着。

8.At the time, more than a fifth of the bank's portfopo was, as bankers say, "non-performing. "银行家们说,在那时,该银行的证券组合中五分之一以上是“呆滞”的。

9.It is followed by the fifth part which deals with how the concept of regional features can be utipzed in modern environment art design.第五部分结合部分实例分析了现代环境艺术如何利用地域特征进行设计的概念与方法。

10.A third of men say they have no confidence when it comes to Christmas cooking, with a fifth saying they feel lost in the kitchen.三分之一的男性说他们对于烹饪圣诞节大餐没有信心,五分之一的男性说他们在厨房里毫无头绪。