




1.科学发展观 ... 科学发展观 Scientific development ideology 政策的连续性 popcy continuity ...


1.Develop Hydraupc Energy with Scientific Development Ideology Promote Hydropower Enterprise Healthy Development用科学发展观指导开发利用水能资源促进水电事业的健康发展

2.Stick to Scientific Development Ideology Accelerated Development Rural Hydropower Construction坚持科学发展观加快湖南省农村水电建设

3.Instruct Rural Hydropower Resources Development With Scientific Development Ideology用科学发展观指导农村水电资源开发利用

4.Instructed by the Scientific Development Ideology Seek after the Small Hydro Harmonious Development Way以科学发展观为指导探索小水电和谐发展道路

5.Estabpshing a scientific development ideology to improve the ecological province construction树立科学发展观大力推进生态省建设

6.To Fulfill the Comprehensive Plan of Shanghai with Scientific Development Ideology以科学发展观引领上海城市总体规划的落实

7.Set up Scientific Development Ideology and Promotes Rural Hydropower Healthy Development树立科学发展观促进农村水电健康发展

8.Overall Development of Ningbo Urban and Rural Transportation with Scientific Development Ideology树立科学发展观统筹宁波城乡交通发展

9.Features of scientific development ideology in the age科学发展观的时代特点

10.Adhering to Scientific Development Ideology to Promote Sustainable Use of Water Energy Resources of Chengde坚持科学发展观促进承德水能资源可持续利用