

fill factor

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1.填充系数sc)、最大功率点(Pmax) 等电气特性,计算出填充因数(Fill-Factor)、转换效率(Efficiency)及PR 值等重要评核数据,并可自动 …

4.填满系数~0.35μm之间,较小的间隙设计,拥有较高的光栅填满系数(Fill-Factor),使得绕射效率提高,以0.6μm的间隙为例,光栅最 …

5.填充率此制程具有大量生产、多角型外型和100%的填充率(Fill-factor)的特点。其基本程序保含了黄光微影、热回流、溅镀、电铸和复 …


1.The fill factor used in the calculation is an integer value instead of a percentage.计算中使用的填充因子为整数值,而不是百分比。

2.When frequent page sppts occur, the index can be rebuilt by using a new or existing fill factor value to redistribute the data.如果经常发生页拆分,可通过使用新的或现有的填充因子值来重新生成索引,从而重新分发数据。

3.You can use the CREATE INDEX or ALTER INDEX statements to set the fill factor value for individual indexes.可以使用CREATEINDEX或ALTERINDEX语句来设置各个索引的填充因子值。

4.Reorganizing the data on the data and index pages by rebuilding indexes with a new fill factor.用新填充因子重新生成索引来重新组织数据和索引页上的数据。

5.It can reduce the influence of these error sources by enhancing system minification , resolving power and fill factor.提高系统的精缩倍数、像素分辨率以及占空比,可以降低这些误差来源的影响。

6.As the fill factor grows, more data will be stored on each page and there will be fewer pages.填充因子增大时,每页将存储更多的数据,因此页数将减少。

7.The fill factor is the percentage of free space allotted when a new index page is created.填充因子是在创建新索引页时分配的可用空间的百分比。

8.Thus, a zero gap is reapzed, where no gap between micro lenses exists, and the fill factor of micro lens is maximized.因此,实现了零间隙,即,在微透镜之间不存在间隙,微透镜的填充系数被最大化。

9.The reason of fill factor with large difference was deduced to the resistance effect of devices by analyzing the impedance spectra. 2.阻抗谱分析推断,三个器件相差较大的填充因子是由器件的电阻效应所致。

10.The fill factor option is provided for fine-tuning index data storage and performance.提供填充因子选项是为了优化索引数据存储和性能。