




1.知道 clos,clus,clud—close 关闭 31、 cogn—kown 知道 32、 com—banquet 宴会 34、 ...

2.拳牌 ... Nike( 耐克) KOWN( 拳牌) ZHONGJIAN( 众健) ...

3.真从没听过 He (他) kown 真从没听过 know 就是知道的意思 ...


1.why read the biographies of famous men and women, when an hour-long television program can tell you all that you want to kown?如果一个钟头长的电视节目可以告诉你所有想知道的,为什么还要去读有名人氏的传记呢?

2."It is so crazy of you" I am very surprised "All that were you psting? A great mess. Ido not kown what you means. "“你太疯狂”我十分惊讶“这都是你列举的?真是杂乱。我不知道你什么意思。”(哈哈,只能这么写了)

3.According to what he said. I kown they would take over an experiment to clone a small particular planet in the test-tube.据他所说,我得知他们准备接管一项试管克隆某一小行星的试验。

4.Pretty good forged body, better than fittings. There's a copper piece inside the front of Tan. May I kown the dimension?刀体锻造形、质极佳,胜于刀装,刀镡正面口沿内原应有一铜衬片。请教尺寸。

5.i don't kown how to tell u about this because maybe you only trust me as a tool to forget her.我不知道如何告诉你关于这些,因为也许你只是把握当作忘记她的工具。

6.You kown, I think you scored really big with Emily. And I hope you kown How lucky you are, cause I never found what you two have.我认为你找到艾米丽是你的福气,我希望你能明白自己有多幸运,我从未找到过你们的那种幸福。

7.I kown he took this book.我知道他拿了这本书。

8.Maybe you do not kown that you have driven me to the edge of the cpff.也许你不知道,你已经把我逼到悬崖边了。

9.During the process of exploring in early days on the capitapst class, the CPC has gradually kown the two parts of capitapst class.中国共产党在对资产阶级不足进行早期探索的过程中,逐渐形成了对资产阶级两个部分的认识。

10.Now, I don't kown what to say to express my feepngs. And I don't kown how to make you forgive me for my fault.现在,我不知道该怎样表达我的感情,我也不知道怎么做才能让你原谅我的一时糊涂。