


美式发音: [ˈfɪlmˌmeɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈfɪlmˌmeɪkə(r)]






1.电影制作人a person who makes films/movies


n.1.a movie director, especially an independent director who has full control over the movies he or she makes

1.电影制作人 film-fan 电影迷 film-maker 电影制作人 film-making 电影制作 ...

2.影片制作人 cartoon n 动画片 film-maker 影片制作人 take along 随身带着 ...


4.电影制作者我注意到您用的词是“电影制作者film-maker)”。米勒:在美国,我们常说我们是电影制作人(film-maker),而不是数字制 …


1.For decades, she did not give interviews but, finally, she was persuaded to talk to film-maker, Andre Heller, in 2001.她在过去几十年一直拒绝接受访问,到了二零零一年,她终于被电影制作人安德鲁西勒说服。

2.The angle of a shot depends upon the effect the film maker is trying to achieve.镜头的角度取决于拍片人想要获得的效果。

3.The Taiwanese film-maker admits Lust, Caution is "unsuitable for children" but was surprised it had fallen foul of censors in north America.李安承认该片“不适合小孩”,但对于在北美亦被定为限制级而感到吃惊。

4.After months of speculation , Madonna has announced her separation from her film-maker husband Guy Ritchie.经过了数月的慎重考虑,麦当娜宣布与她的电影制作老公盖·里奇分道扬镳。

5.PETER SELLARS: Well, if Mozart was apve today he would be a film maker because film is what has the pulse of the culture.彼得•塞拉斯:如果莫扎特今天还活着的话,他肯定会成为一位电影制作人。因为电影是现在文化的脉搏。

6.The American film maker, Opver Stone, was recently granted rare access for a documentary to be released soon.最近,美国电影制片人奥利弗·斯通(OpverStone)罕见地被获准拍摄一部关于老卡斯特罗的纪录片。

7.Michael Moore, a documentary film maker loathed by conservatives, challenged him to a debate on health care.麦克·摩尔,一个共和党人十分厌恶的纪录片导演,向他发出挑战书,医疗保险的辩论。

8.He has also worked with other composers and a number of notable performers, and has won acclaim internationally as a film maker.大卫常与其他作曲家及知名表演家合作,并作为电影制片人而受到广泛国际赞誉。

9.My biggest passion right now is just to be the best film maker possible, both in front and behind the camera.我现在最大的热情是努力做最好的电影人,不论在台前还是幕后。

10.As a film maker, what are the greatest challenges and difficulties you face in getting films made?作为导演,你在拍摄影片时遇到的最大的挑战和困难是什么?