




1.信息化资源管理 ; 信息化 ; 电子政务    土地资源管理信息化 ( Informatization ) 是 基金项目 : 本文是国家社科基金项目 “信息时代 、W...

4.信息化与经济发展例 信息化测评实例 14 信息化与经济发展 14 信息化与经济发展 (Informatization) (Information Industry) Information Society 1...

5.移动信息化 ... 技术心得 Techlogy Experience 移动信息化 Informatization 开发工具 To…


1.With social progress and competitive development of oil business, petroleum informatization began to be an inevitable trend.随着社会进步和石油行业的竞争发展,石油信息化建设成为必然趋势。

2.The paper holds that this can be directly reflected by the proportion of informatization investment.企业对信息化需求的强弱程度,直接体现在企业对信息化的投资比例分配上。

3.Then the achievement evaluation index is a guide to informatization and a scale to weigh up the informatization level for the enterprises.制造业信息化绩效评价指标是企业信息化建设的指南,是衡量企业信息化水平的刻度。

4.Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Regional Health Information Network are becoming the front area of medical and health informatization.电子健康档案与区域卫生信息网络在全世界范围内正在成为医疗卫生信息化的前沿阵地。

5.The principles on Organization Informatization's work is estabpshed in the point of view from the informatization's work management.组织信息化工作原则是从信息化工作推进与管理角度确立的。

6.As one of the main field in informatization construction, video transmission and video monitoring have been widely studied.视频传输以及视频监控作为信息化建设中一个主要的领域,得到了广泛的研究。

7.WwW. zIdiR. coM Government informatization construction is one development direction of the contemporary administration construction.政府信息化建设是当代政府行政建设的发展方向之一。

8.Study on the standardization system is one of the important tasks in Chinese ethnic group affairs informatization construction.研究民族事务信息化标准是民族工作信息化建设的重要内容。

9.Basically, the concept of education informatization thinking is the product of the Oriental languages.教育信息化这一概念基本上是东方语言思维的产物。

10.Finally, a case of the implementation of an enterprise informatization is illustrated to confirm the theory.最后,本文以一家企业信息化实施的案例对本文提出的理论进行印证。