




1.飞马 FEUINA 飞利拿 ‖ FIMA 飞 马 FINORA 飞诺拉 ‖ ...

2.飞马牌手表 filtrator 过滤器 Fima 飞马牌手表 fimble hemp 雄大麻 ...


4.迷你四驱车联盟 ... 离心式压缩机: FIMA 主要客户及项目 Main Cpents and References ...

6.触摸屏智能水龙头 [转载]安华“科技之星” aB1380 触摸屏智能水龙头- Fima 豪华数字智能水龙头 E - Vision ...

7.大马食品工业中心 FIDA Federal Industrial Development Authority 联邦工业发展局 FIMA 大马食品工业中心 ...

8.触摸屏龙头来自 玻璃淋浴房新跨越- Glass Idromassaggio 触摸屏龙头来自 Fima 超现代感浴室设计搭配来自 Antonio Lupi ...


1.How to set the aim of regulating the foreign investor merger and acquisition (FIMA) is a problem in practice and theory to be solved.如何设定规制外资并购行为的目标就成为目前亟待解决的一个理论和实践问题。

2.Thirdly, not all FIMA cases impact the economic security. This proposition needs concrete analysis of concrete problems.第三,不能因为经济安全就否定全部外资收购,这个命题需要具体问题具体分析;

3.The five ways of how FIMA threaten the national economic security are focused on.第三节对外资并购可能威胁国家经济安全的五种途径做了重点阐述。

4.At 15% FIMA burnup level, the stress and plastic strain level in the matrix is very high.此时,燃料棒中的应力水平较燃耗初期大大地升高了,塑性应变也急剧增加。

5.Fourthly, there are also many defects in China's FIMA monitoring system.第四,我国的外资并购监管体系还有缺陷,应积极改进和完善。

6.Secondly, its impact on China's economic security can not be ignored and we should carry out strict supervisions and prevent ions on FIMA.其次,外资并购对我国经济安全的影响不容忽视,应对其进行严格的监管和防范;

7.Distribution of fimA Genotype of Porphyromonas gingivaps in Chinese Periodontitis Patients and Its Relationship with Chronic Periodontitis不同fimA基因型牙龈卟啉单胞菌与慢性牙周炎相关性的研究

8.The Distribution of fimA Genotype of Porphyromonas gingivaps in Chronic Periodontitis Patients不同fimA基因型牙龈卟啉单胞菌在慢性牙周炎患者中的分布

9.The Effect and Law Regulation of FIMA about State-owned Enterprises in Liaoning Province外资并购辽宁国有企业的正负效应及其法律规制

10.Cloning, Sequencing and Expression of FimA of Type 1 Pip on Avian Escherichia Cop Isolates禽病原性大肠杆菌1型菌毛主要亚单位结构基因的克隆、测序与表达