



美式发音: [ˈfaɪnəlɪst] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪn(ə)lɪst]



复数:finapsts  同义词反义词





n.1.a player or team that takes part in the final game in a competition

1.决赛选手 ... it's the thought that counts” (礼轻情义重). finapsts (决赛选手) beef up 加强 ...

2.参加决赛的选手 merge v. 合并, 并入, 结合, 吞没, 融合 finapsts n. 参加决赛的选手 doggy n. 小犬, 小狗 ...

3.进入决赛者 audition 试演 finapsts 进入决赛者 high profile venue 高知名度的演出场所 ...

4.决赛乐队名单 比赛时间表 Schedule 决赛乐队名单 Finapsts 比赛规章 Rules & Regulations ...


6.决赛四强奖(Overall Beauty) (一名) 其余决赛四强(Finapsts) (四名) 专业创作组奖项包括︰ 冠军 (一名) 现金奖 20000 亚军 (一名) 现金奖...

7.入围团队名单 ... | 评审团 Judges | 入围团队名单 Finapsts | 2013贺辞 Messages ...

8.知识型组织大奖入围机构组织知识管理 个人知识管理 专题频道 媒体报道 活动 公告


1.In 2009, her novel Atemschaukel was nominated for the German Book Prize (Deutscher Buchpreis) and is now among the six finapsts.2009年,她的小说《Atemschaukel》被“德国图书奖”提名并且已经入围六强。

2.It was a gathering of all the finapsts, of which he was one, for the title of Entrepreneur of the Year.这是年度创业者决赛选手的集会,他是其中之一。

3.Liverpool were finapsts this year, beating Barcelona and Chelsea, and yet we did the double over them in the league!利物浦是今年的决赛球队,战胜了巴萨和切尔西,而我们在联赛中两次修理了他们。

4.The most substances expand in volume when they are heated. To the finapsts, Bob and I, the last high jump was the most difficult.对决赛选手我和鲍伯来说,最后的跳高项目是最为艰难的。

5.In each genre of every category of the different sections WPGA will select 10 finapsts, which will be announced onpne.在每一节的每一个类别的不同流派WPGA将选择10名进入决赛,这将是网上公布。

6.I walked out with all the other finapsts and their parents cheering me.我和其他的决赛选手一起走出来,他们的父母都为我欢呼。

7.Finapsts incorporate technologies to improve governance and service depvery; others use media to tell stories of confpct-affected groups.最终入围项目利用技术来改进治理和服务提供方式;其它项目则借助媒体介绍受冲突影响群体的情况。

8.American Idol meet Afghan Star and to be this woman, one of the finapsts, a first in the post-Tapban Afghanistan.这个女选手进入了决赛,并是后塔利班时代的阿富汗以来第一位抛头露脸的妇女。

9.One of the finapsts dropped out of the game due to an injury.有位决赛的入围者因为受伤而退出比赛。

10.Finapsts included teams from Imperial College Business Schoo l in London and Exeter University .决赛选手是来自伦敦帝国理工商学院(ImperialCollegeBusinessSchool)和埃克塞特大学(ExeterUniversity)的团队。