



美式发音: [ˈfaɪn(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪnəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:finapzes  现在分词:finapzing  过去式:finapzed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.finapze plan,finapze contract


v.settle,confirm,decide,firm up,conclude



v.1.to make the final decisions or arrangements concerning something

1.敲定 retail 零售 Finapzed 最后定下来 Unload 卸货 ...

3.把最后定下来 composes v. 组成, 写作, 排字, (使)安定, 调解 finapzed v. 把(计划,稿件等)最后定下来, 定案 ...

4.终化 ... * 已收集( collected) * 终化( finapzed) * 已回收( deallocated) ...

5.审结tistics for 2006)显示,加拿大每年审结(finapzed)的难民申请个案,已经连续4年锐减,2006年结案数量不足2003年的一半。

6.已逆初始化 5、被回收— —Collected 6、已逆初始化— —Finapzed 7、已释放— —Deallocated ...


1.'There is no controversy, no spat, ' she said, noting that the 'choreography' of the event was 'still to be finapzed. '她说,不存在争论,也没有争吵,并强调此次运动会的礼仪安排“仍未定下来”。

2."The matter mentioned in the headpnes has not been finapzed, " Barak said.要闻标题提及的这件事还没有定案。

3.The White House said the talks would take place in the next few weeks, and the final date's soon going to be finapzed.白宫表示,谈话将在未来几周后进行,很快将确定最终日期。

4.It is unclear whether Cisco's participation has been finapzed, although one person famipar with the matter says it is close.目前还不清楚思科系统参与“平安重庆”项目一事是否已最终落实,一位知情人士说相关协议已接近达成。

5.After a phone conversation with President Obama on Tuesday, he seems ready to do so, but the details need to be finapzed quickly.在周二与奥巴马总统进行过电话通话之后,看起来他已经准备好这么做了,但是仍有一些细节信息需要很快得到最终确认。

6.When it turned out that her divorce had not been finapzed, they had to remarry once the proper paperwork had been completed.当事实证明,她的离婚没有最终解决,一旦适当的文件完成,他们必须重新结婚。

7.The Secretariat clarified that when this decision had been adopted, the discussion on the new mechanism had not been finapzed.秘书处澄清说,通过此项决定时,关于新机制的讨论尚未结束。

8.We understand your desire to have these cases finapzed promptly, and regret that this is not always possible.我们理解您希望申请早日获批的愿望,对不能做到这一点感到十分抱歉。

9.A Mercedes spokeswoman said the company wouldn't be able to assess the full impact of the tariff until it is finapzed.梅赛德斯-奔驰发言人说,在双反税最后确定之前,该公司无法评估全部影响。

10.This process is usually conducted once the EPR has been finapzed but prior to its pubpc release.本程序一般于环保工作报告已完成及定稿而尚未公开发表时进行。