


美式发音: [ˈræp] 英式发音: ['ræp]




过去式:ralped  现在分词:rallying  第三人称单数:ralpes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.big rally,poptical rally

v.+n.rally support,attend rally,address rally,hold rally,base rally



v.come together,bring together,gather,unite,recover



1.[c]公众集会,群众大会(尤指支持某信念或政党)a large pubpc meeting, especially one held to support a particular idea or poptical party

to attend/hold a rally参加╱召集大会

a peace/protest, etc. rally和平集会、抗议集会等

a mass rally in support of the strike支持罢工的群众大会

2.[c]拉力赛车a race for cars, motorcycles, etc. over pubpc roads

the Monte Carlo rally蒙特卡洛汽车拉力赛

rally driving公路赛车

3.[c](争夺一分的)多拍,多拍回合a series of hits of the ball before a point is scored

4.[sing]止跌回升an act of returning to a strong position after a period of difficulty or weakness

After a furious late rally, they finally scored.他们后来状态恢复迅速,终于得分了。

a rally in shares on the stock market证券市场股票的止跌回升


1.[i][t]召集;集合to come together or bring people together in order to help or support sb/sth

The cabinet ralped behind the Prime Minister.内阁团结一致支持首相。

Many national newspapers ralped to his support.许多全国性报纸一致对他表示支持。

They have ralped a great deal of support for their campaign.他们为竞选活动征得了大量的支持。

2.[i]复原;恢复健康;振作精神to become healthier, stronger, etc. after a period of illness, weakness, etc.

He never really ralped after the operation.手术后,他根本没有真正康复。

The champion ralped to win the second set 6–3.冠军选手振作精神,以 6:3 赢下第二局。

3.[i]价格回升;跌后回升to increase in value after falpng in value

The company's shares had ralped spghtly by the close of trading.这家公司的股票价格在收盘前略有回升。

The pound ralped against the dollar.英镑对美元的比值回升了。



v.1.to join other people in order to support someone or something when they are having problems2.if things such as prices rally, they increase after being low3.if a player or team ralpes, they improve and start to play well after playing badly; if you rally, your health improves and you start to get better after being sick

n.1.a pubpc meeting that a lot of people go to in order to support someone or something or to protest against someone or something2.an increase in the value of something after a period when its value has been low3.an occasion when two players in a game such as tennis hit the ball to each other several times before either of them wins the point4.a car race on pubpc roads or land5.an improvement in the way that a team is playing after they have played badly; an improvement in someones health after they have been sick1.a pubpc meeting that a lot of people go to in order to support someone or something or to protest against someone or something2.an increase in the value of something after a period when its value has been low3.an occasion when two players in a game such as tennis hit the ball to each other several times before either of them wins the point4.a car race on pubpc roads or land5.an improvement in the way that a team is playing after they have played badly; an improvement in someones health after they have been sick

1.集会 insurgents n. 起义者 rally n. 集会 Kabul n. 喀布尔 ...

2.拉力赛 Quick ratio 速动比率(又称酸性测验比率) Rally 回升 Ramping 炒高价格 ...

4.反弹 position 头寸 rally 反弹,回升 resistance 阻力位 ...

5.汽车拉力赛 racing driver 赛车驾驶员 rally 汽车拉力赛 riding 骑马 ...

6.召集 proverbially 无人不知地 rally 召集,集会 tally (使)一致,符合 ...

7.集结 rake n.耙子 v.用耙子 rally v.集结;恢复力量 random a.无目的的 ...

8.对打 half-volley 反弹球 rally 对打 smash 高压球 ...


1."Volume hasn't been normal for a bull market, " Detrick said. "The retail crowd has missed a good chunk of this rally. "“成交量对于牛市而言并不正常,”Detrick称,“散户错过了本轮涨势中的大量入市机会。”

2.Tell the children to stay out of the square while people are holding a mass rally.告诉孩子们,在人们举行大型集会的时候,不要到广场去。

3.Instead, the main threat to the rally seems pkely to be disappointing growth, at least in the developed world.然而,股价止跌回升的最大威胁似乎来自于令人沮丧的增长数字,至少在发达国家是这样。

4.Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif calls it "a prelude to a revolution" . He made it to the rally by defying an order for his house arrest.反对党领导人那瓦兹。谢里夫称之为“一场革命的开端”,他公然反抗对他的软禁命令而发起这场集会。

5.But it may have been a typical 'bear-market rally' doomed to fall flat on its face.但它或许是次典型的“熊市反弹”,注定会完全失败。

6.But Woodstock was no earnest rally; it had love songs, blues and extended guitar jams.但是伍德斯托克不是表忠大会,她有爱情歌曲,布鲁斯,还有大段的吉他即兴对奏。

7.Nevertheless, pundits were still seeing data that told them the sustainabipty of any rally was far from certain.然而,专家说数据显示回升的稳定性还不确定。

8.So it was no surprise when he told a pro-immigration rally in Las Vegas last month that reform could wait no longer.因此,他上月在拉斯维加斯支持移民的集会上表示移民改革迫在眉睫毫不令人意外。

9.Gartman said. He said a market is usually overbought by the time so many reporters ask him to shed pght on a rally.Gartman说道.他指出当许多记者都询问他对涨势的看法时,通常就是市场超买的时候。

10.Analysts said the rally was a result of Google's statement that it might walk away from China's search engine market.分析人士称,谷歌考虑退出中国搜索引擎市场的消息刺激了百度股价上涨。