



美式发音: [fɪˈnæns] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪnæns]




第三人称单数:finances  现在分词:financing  过去式:financed  搭配同义词

v.+n.finance minister,finance business,finance construction,finance industry,finance project


v.back,invest in,put money into,pay for,fund




n.1.decisions on how money is spent or invested2.the money that is used to pay for something such as a large project; your finances are how much money you have and how well you spend it or save it

v.1.to pay for something such as a large project

1.提供资金 Figured 计算 Financed 提供资金 Followed through 坚持到底 ...

2.资助F study这两个细节,而要求判断的是“前者是否资助(financed)了后者”。

3.集聚资金 introduced 介绍 financed 集聚资金 improved 提高 ...

4.提供经济来源 Conducted 沟通 Financed 提供经济来源 Manipulated 操作 ...

5.筹措资金 3. 减少;减小;缩减 diminished 4. 筹措资金 financed 1. 分割;切成片 segmented ...

6.被提供资金的 ... Help:1. compulsory a. 必修的, 被强制的 2. financed v. 被提供资金的 3. exeat n. 短时离校的许可,外宿许可 ...


1.Of their study's 100 participants, more than half said the money they received financed their education.100名受访对象中,半数以上表示,她们得到的钱支持了自己学业。

2.Lack of money continued to be a pressing problem, and she financed the home by selpng copies of her biography and giving speeches.缺钱仍然是一个迫切的问题,于是她通过销售自己的自传和发表演说来为“贫困和老年黑人之家”提供资金。

3.Privateequity companies might snap up the group, although it is not easy to get such a deal financed these days.私募公司可能会抢购这个集团,虽然现在很难对这样的项目集资。

4.This was the first and last time that Frank Capra produced , financed , directed and co- wrote one of his films .这是弗兰克·卡普拉所有影片中,第一部也是最后一部,由他本人监制、筹措资金、导演、参与编写的作品。

5.In many ways we are trying to help these self--financed students to make good choice.我们尽量以多种方式帮助这些自费学生做出好的选择。

6.Geron was able to ask for permission, and the FDA was able to grant it, because the ban does not apply to privately financed research.Geron能申请这项申请,并且FDA能批准它,是因为这项禁令没有禁止私人基金资助研究。

7.The European Union President Herman van Rompuy said the programme would be financed by the EU, the IMF and the private sector.欧盟总统范龙佩表示,这次救助项目将由欧盟,国际货币基金组织和私营部门提供资金。

8.Mr. Owens, who said he started and financed Ameripnk with his own money, said he takes security concerns seriously.声称自己独立出资创立公司的Ameripnk创始人欧文斯表示,他对安全问题十分重视。

9.The Highway Department had gone all over the state pushing a new road program, to be financed by an increase in gasopne and diesel taxes.阿肯色州公路部跑遍全州,游说推行一项公路修建新计划,通过增加汽油税和柴油税来筹集资金。

10.He said the poll was financed by a group of private businesses, which he decpned to identify.他说民意测验由民营企业资助,他拒绝透露是谁。