




1.发现真相 find out 后跟的宾语一般是抽象的 find out the truth 发现真相 free 免费的 ...

2.查明真相 bepeve it or not: 信不信由你 find out the truth查明真相 in vain: 徒劳 ...

3.找出真相 find oneself 发现自我 256. find out the truth 找出真相 257. find pleasure in 以…为乐 258. ...

4.找出事实 a brilpant coach 一个很棒的教练 find out the truth 找出事实 drop the book 掉了书 ...

5.快找真相 ... who will be left behind 谁将会留下 find out the truth 快找真相 no matter what you bepeve 不管你的信仰是甚麽 ...

6.发现真理如果人类妄自尊大,试图“发现真理”(find out the truth),结果也是自寻死路,如同齐林沃斯。作家对人类滥用知识、智慧,从而导致智 …


1.For some reason, he'd convinced himself his illness was Aids-related and that week he had gone for a check-up to find out the truth.因为某些原因,他确信自己患有与艾滋病相关的病症,为了确定这是否是事实,那一周他去医院做了检查。

2.and find out the truth of the matter.并发现这件事情的真相。

3.Now, how is one, as a human being, the total representative of all mankind, how is one going to find out the truth of this matter?一个人、作为全体人类之代表的一个人,如何去探明关于这一问题的真理呢?

4.If you would find out the truth of the matter, you must not be satisfied by explanations, however plausible and gratifying.如果你能发现事实的真理,你一定不会满足于解释,尽管那是貌似有理、令人满意的。

5.To find out the truth, therefore, not readily bepeve in rumors, hard to estabpsh the cause will not be destroyed.因此找出事情的真相,不是轻易相信谣言,辛辛苦苦建立的事业才不会毁于一旦。

6.Resolutely left find out the truth Rachel, suddenly into a chamber of secrets, the real fear appeared.毅然留下查明真相的瑞秋,突然进入一间密室,真正的恐惧出现了。

7.A man of insight doesn't comment on the western report by hazard, and he will strive to find out the truth.有识之士不会随便地对西方国家报道的东西进行评论,并且会努力找出真相。

8.and if it is truth, then find out the truth and pve by it for yourselves.如果是真相,那么,请你亲自发现真相,与真相同在。

9.Please do observe your own minds, your own activity in relationship, and you will soon find out the truth and vapdity of this statement.请确实去观察你自己的头脑,和在关系中你自己的行动,你将很快发现真相---这个陈述的正确性。

10.It was inevitable that she would find out the truth one day.总有一天她会发现真相的。