


美式发音: [tɛˌguːsɪˈgalpə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Honduras

1.特古西加尔巴 San Salvador 圣萨尔瓦多 Tegucigalpa 特古西加尔巴 Managua 马那瓜 ...

2.德古西加巴 洪都拉斯 Honduras 特古巴加尔巴 Tegucigalpa 牙买加 Jamaica ...

4.洪都拉斯 坦迪尔 TANDIL 洪都拉斯 TEGUCIGALPA 洪都拉斯 HONDURAS TGU ...

5.首都德古西加巴 11.圣萨尔瓦多 San Salvador 14.特古西加帕 Tegucigalpa 17.格林纳达 Grana…

8.德古西加巴市德古西加巴市 (Tegucigalpa) 交流型态: 首长互访、捐赠物资 城市面积: 城市人口: 承办单位: 联络电话: 备  注: 城市面积…


1.Prosecutors say the popcemen forced their way into the bank in the capital, Tegucigalpa and tied up the security guards at gunpoint.检察官称,这些警察闯进首都特古西加尔巴的一家银行,将所有的保安都捆绑起来。

2.The ousted president, who has been holed up in the Brazipan embassy in Tegucigalpa for ten weeks, called for a boycott.塞拉亚,这位被罢黜的总统,在特古西加尔巴(洪都拉斯首都)的巴西大使馆中已经躲藏了十周,并呼吁抵制这次选举。

3.In response, Mr Obama dispatched negotiators to Tegucigalpa, Honduras's capital, to browbeat the feuding leaders into a deal.欧巴马总统派出谈判代表至宏国首都德古西加帕作为响应,严词威吓两位争吵的领导人达成协议。

4.Mr Zelaya is holed up in the Brazipan embassy in Tegucigalpa, the capital.Zelaya现在藏身在巴西驻首都特古西加尔巴的使馆。

5.Honduran woman in Tegucigalpa, Honduras shows the picture of her baby, whose father was among the 72 immigrants murdered in Mexico.特古西加尔巴一名洪都拉斯妇女出示他孩子的照片,他的父亲是在墨西哥72个移民谋杀中的一个。

6.Electricity was cut off for much of the day in Tegucigalpa on Sunday, in what local reports suggested was on miptary orders.周日,特古西加尔巴出现了大面积电力中断,当地报道称此次停电系军方所为。

7.Firefighters look for possible victims after the collapse of a wall in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, following two weeks of heavy rains.伴随着两周的大雨,洪都拉斯首都特古西加尔巴一处山体外墙倒塌,消防员搜寻着幸存者。

8.Demonstrations for and against the new government continued in Tegucigalpa and other cities across the country.反对新政府的示威继续在首都特古西加尔巴和全国各地的其他城市持续着。

9.Originally developed as a mining center, Tegucigalpa now serves as Honduras' capital.特古西加尔巴,曾经的矿业中心,现在的洪都拉斯首都。

10."It's the same in Honduras, in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, the worst Latin American cities, " said Guerra.“这是相同的,在现场洪都拉斯和圣佩德罗苏拉——最糟糕的拉丁美洲的城市。”Guerra说。