




1.示指 ... Tails Wagging 尾巴狗狗摇 Finger wagging 示指 wagging class 逃课 ...

2.指责 ... alter one's own behavior 改变行为、习惯 finger wagging 指责 inaugural 上任的 ...


1.As an additional sign that things were changing in the world, the president got a finger-wagging from one of Mr Wen's hangers-on.另一桩标志着世界局势在改变的事件是,一位温先生麾下的媚臣对奥巴马总统居然指手画脚。

2.Today, Asia has the right to do some finger-wagging of its own.现在,亚洲的银行家则有权反过来指责欧美的同行们了。

3.There's been a lot of finger-wagging and people resent that.还有的是一个手指,摇摆和很多人痛恨。

4.In the circumstances it is not surprising that China's press has adopted the finger-wagging tone heard so often from the West.在这种情况下,中国的新闻界用上了西方社会一贯的指责语气就显得不足为奇了。

5.There was yelpng, finger wagging, head swerving; the works.我当时大喊大叫、拿手指着人家、还昂着头,如此种种。

6.If not, there will be finger-wagging, followed by warnings and, if necessary, hefty fines.如果未能满足以上条件,这些计划会被否决,必要的话,会要求重新制定。

7.Beyond finger-wagging, there is no international strategy to prevent it.但目前除了摆手反对以外,没有什么国际化战略来防止这种情况出现。

8.What's annoying about Dikembe's finger-wagging? I thought everyone loved it.大叔摇手指有什么讨厌的?我认为每个人都很喜欢。

9.But the sad reapty is that any finger-wagging by the Europeans might serve only to expose their impotence.但是遗憾的是,如果欧洲人采取任何指手画脚的措施,其最终结果都只是暴露自己的无能。