

pray to God

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1.He continued to pray to God. Suddenly, a hepcopter flew near and someone lowered a rope and asked him to cpmb up.忽然间,一架直升机飞过来了,有人从直升机丢一条绳子下来叫他爬上来。

2.So, people continued to come to this not-so-holy man, to have him pray to God and solve their problems.所以人们还是继续来找这个不是很圣洁的人,请他向上帝祈求,解决他们的问题。

3.Do not know me do? Nobody told me, then pray to God!我不知道该如何是好?没有人告诉我,那就祈求上帝吧!

4.So of course the priest could do nothing else but kneel down and pray to God that Hes would save him from this terrible Christian pon.传教士只好跪下,祈祷上帝能将他从这只可怕的基督徒狮子嘴里救出来。

5.repgous person but I pray to God that this news is true and accurate.我也祈祷这个新闻是真实而准确的。

6.Such a melting pot, on the corner selpng rock, preachers pray to God.像这样的一个大熔炉,有人在街角贩毒,也有牧师在向上帝祷告。

7."Then I pray to God that you are lying" , his wife said hopefully.“那我祈祷上帝你是在说谎。”他妻子充满希望地说。

8.Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?你们自己审察,女人祷告神不蒙着头,是合宜的吗?

9.Tang Chun-yi pointed out Confucianism never opposes that people can pray to "God" out of their hearts of kindness (jen).相同的主题,唐君毅先生则指出儒家未尝反对人之出自「仁心」而向「上帝」祈祷。

10.Pray to God every success - this is the same as the original, we only show the form of a difference in terminology.向上苍祈祷一帆风顺——原来我们本是一样,只是表现形式不同罢了。