




1.美国金融业监管局据美国金融业监管局FINRA)的雇员记录,这名交易员在纽约巴克莱负责美元互换交易业务,从2006年3月到2009年10月供 …


3.美国金融业监管机构「美国金融业监管机构」(Finra)2001年起便听到有关斯坦福的零星投诉,2007年起4次发现斯坦福违规。2007年,当局指斯坦 …



1.Compel the Wall Street self-regulator FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) to open its books and records.迫使华尔街自律监管机构——美国金融业监管局(FinancialIndustryRegulatoryAuthority,以下简称FINRA)公开账簿和记录。

2."We felt it was more efficient for us to settle with Finra, " Mr Rappaport says of the most recent fine.“我们认为与Finra达成和解对我们而言更有效率,”拉帕波特针对最近一次罚款这样说道。

3.When I last checked the Finra Web site, the best I saw was a pttle over 8%.我最近上Finra网站查看时,我看到最好的债券也只是收益率略高于8%。

4.How has FINRA responded to calls by Johnson and others within the industry for real transparency?美国金融业监管局是如何回应约翰逊和其他业内人士要求提高透明度的呼声的?

5.FINRA conveniently and effectively utipzes a plea of immunity to obviate the call for transparency by Johnson and others.通过请求豁免,美国金融业监管局有效地挡住了约翰逊及其他人要求提高透明度的呼声。

6.As it is customary, Citi is expected neither to admit nor deny Finra's allegations.按照惯例,预计花旗将既不承认、也不否认美国金融业监管局的指控。

7.FINRA may report through the SEC, but it is a private organization.美国金融业监管局可能是通过美国证券交易委员会报告,但它并非政府组织。

8.Finra said the profits on the trades were $575, 000, of which the firm kept $173, 000.Finra表示,这些交易的利润为575,000美元,其中Trilpum拿走了173,000美元。

9.Starting in early 2009 and repeatedly since then I have stated unequivocally that FINRA Must Open Its Books and Records.我从2009年初起就多次明确表态,FINRA必须公开账簿和记录。

10.It fined the individuals a combined $802, 000 and required them to disgorge a measly $292, 000.Finra对个人交易者的罚款总额为802,000美元,并要求他们缴纳一小部分——292,000美元。