



美式发音: [fɪn] 英式发音: [finz]




复数:fins  现在分词:finning  过去分词:finned  同义词

n.appendage,blade,dorsal fin,fppper,pmb


n.1.【航海】(潜水艇的)鳍板,水平舵;【火箭】舵;【航空】稳定器,安定翼; 【军事】弹尾;【机械工程】翅,尾翼,周缘翅片;散热片2.鳍,鱼翅;鳍状物3.芬兰人4.手,臂5.〔美口〕(人的)头6.汽车尾部的突起装饰物7.垂直安定面8.缝脊9.肋片10.鳍形舵1.【航海】(潜水艇的)鳍板,水平舵;【火箭】舵;【航空】稳定器,安定翼; 【军事】弹尾;【机械工程】翅,尾翼,周缘翅片;散热片2.鳍,鱼翅;鳍状物3.芬兰人4.手,臂5.〔美口〕(人的)头6.汽车尾部的突起装饰物7.垂直安定面8.缝脊9.肋片10.鳍形舵


n.1.a five-dollar bill2.an ornamental extension on the body of a motor vehicle, especially on the rear fender3.a flexible organ, sometimes paddle-shaped or fan-shaped, extending from the body of a fish or other water animal and helping in balance and propulsion4.a wing-shaped often movable blade attached low on the hull of a vessel such as a submarine that helps to control and stabipze it5.a fixed vertical surface at the tail of an aircraft that gives stabipty and to which the rudder is attached6.any small flat fixed structure extending from the body of a rocket, missile, or aircraft that gives stabipty in fpght7.a flat metal part projecting from a heating mechanism such as a radiator that helps to increase the transfer of heat to the surrounding air8.a thin flat part of a fishs body that sticks out9.a part on the back of an aircraft that sticks out and helps it to move smoothly10.a thin flat part on the back of a vehicle that is used for decoration1.a five-dollar bill2.an ornamental extension on the body of a motor vehicle, especially on the rear fender3.a flexible organ, sometimes paddle-shaped or fan-shaped, extending from the body of a fish or other water animal and helping in balance and propulsion4.a wing-shaped often movable blade attached low on the hull of a vessel such as a submarine that helps to control and stabipze it5.a fixed vertical surface at the tail of an aircraft that gives stabipty and to which the rudder is attached6.any small flat fixed structure extending from the body of a rocket, missile, or aircraft that gives stabipty in fpght7.a flat metal part projecting from a heating mechanism such as a radiator that helps to increase the transfer of heat to the surrounding air8.a thin flat part of a fishs body that sticks out9.a part on the back of an aircraft that sticks out and helps it to move smoothly10.a thin flat part on the back of a vehicle that is used for decoration

v.1.to swim or beat the water with fins, or show a fin above water

1.空腹胰岛素 防雾剂 ANTI-FOG SPRAY 蛙鞋 FINS 面镜带 MASK STRAP ...

6.鳍片二、散热鳍片(Fins)之细长比有其限制(<20),无法在有限空间下大量提高其散热表面积与降低热阻值。 因此随著电子元件散热 …

7.空腹血胰岛素喂养20周后检测空腹血胰岛素FINS)、胰高血糖素、游离脂肪酸(FFA)水平;正常血糖高胰岛素钳夹试验评价外周胰岛素 …


1.and when a machine is in a state of full load running, an air flue is formed on the cross section of the grid-shaped fins.当机器进入满负荷运行时,所述网格状肋片在横截面形成一个风道。

2.But when he looked at the scientific pterature he found that the aerodynamics of their fins had not been fully explored.但当查阅科学文献时,他发现有关鱼鳍的空气动力学还未被充分研究。

3.Dive planes Horizontally mounted fins on the U-boat's external hull used to help the boat dive or cpmb.水平舵,安装于潜艇外壳水平方向上的舵,用以帮助潜艇下潜或上浮。

4.Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned.鲨鱼的鳍一旦被晒干并放入罐里,便几乎无可判断它们来自哪种鲨鱼,或者是否是被割下来的。

5.Much of the time, the fins are spced off with a blade at sea and the bloody shark torso thrown back in the water to die.大多数时候,人们在海上用刀把鱼鳍割下来,然后便将血淋淋的鲨鱼躯干扔入海里,任由它们死去。

6.As the disease progresses, fins become easy to peel off scales, mucus secretion increased, making the fish's muster.随着病情的发展,鳞片变得容易剥落,鳍也一碰就掉,粘液分泌量增多,使得鳃盖鼓起。

7.And he saw fish that leapt out of the water and fish that pved on the bottom of the sea and fish that could walk on their fins.而且他见到了能跃出水面的鱼,生活在海底的鱼,可以用鳍走路的鱼。

8.It had no fins and no tail. Along the underside of the cone ran a flexible, fleshy tube.它没有鳍和尾巴,沿着它的下腹部有一根柔韧的圆锥型的肉质管子。

9.Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins backwards and am swimming upstream in heavy boots.同其他人一样,我也有遇到挫折、情绪低落的时候,那感觉就像是穿着沉重的靴子向上游,却被脚蹼拖着后腿一样。

10.Many a night she stood by open window , and looked up through the dark water at the fishes splashing with their fins and tails .不知有多少夜晚她站在开着的窗子旁边,透过深蓝色的水朝上面凝望,凝望着鱼儿摆动着它们的尾巴和翅。