


美式发音: [ˈmʌndiz] 英式发音: [ˈmʌndiz]






n.1.the day after Sunday and before Tuesday

1.星期一 Sundays: 星期日 Mondays: 星期一 Tuesdays: 星期二 ...

2.周一 ... 周日 Sundays 周一 Mondays 周二 Tuesdays ...

3.星期一的省思 Gone Goodbye 来不及 Mondays 星期一的省思 FREEDOM 奔向自由 ...

4.逢星期一 逢星期日 Sundays 9:30pm 逢星期一 Mondays 11:30am 逢星期四 Thursdays 7:30pm ...

5.每星期一 mondays 每星期一 Shall we meet Mondays? 我们每逢星期一见面好吗? ...

6.逢星期一晚 ... New Citizenship Class 新公民入籍班 Mondays 逢星期一晚 Vocational Job Training 酒店及餐厅职业英语培训班 ...

7.每周一 4、fresh 新鲜 5、Mondays 每周一 6、even 甚至 ...

8.每个星期一 ... ·football 踢足球 ·Mondays 每个星期一 ·school 在学校 ...


1.Be the motivator. Remember, you're not the only one with a case of the Mondays.记住,不是只有你一个要面对这个烦躁的周一。

2.But a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Mondays.但是当对没有进行实验的周进行数据对比时,他们发现产出也经常在周一时上升。

3.I usually do it all in a two-hour burst on Mondays to get it out of the way for the week.我通常在周一花两个小时做一周内需要清理的事物。

4.Besides, it's easy to understand a character that, pke most people, loves TV and hates Mondays.除此之外,它就像大部分的人一样,喜欢看电视、讨厌星期一,是个相当平易近人的角色。

5.After taking two days off, I always feel lazy and tired in the office on Mondays , and I heard that it happens to most people.休了两天假之后,我每个礼拜一在公司都觉得懒洋洋又没精神,而且我听说大部分的人都是这样。

6.Well, there's a never-ending cycle of Mondays, so we get caught up in a never-ending cycle of putting it off.然而,这是一个永远循环的“星期一”,所以我们就深深地陷在了这个拼命拖延的循环了。

7.Today and for the next two weeks, we are going to talk about budgeting on MBA Mondays.今天开始的两周内,我们将讨论MBAMondays公司的预算问题。

8.Mondays also tend to be fairly unproductive, with only about three and a half hours of actual work getting done.每周星期一的工作效率同样相当之低下,用以完成实际工作的时间大概仅有三个半小时。

9.If you still find yourself dreading Mondays no matter what you do, then maybe it's time to think about a career change.假如你一直认为,每个星期一,无论自己做什么都很痛苦,那么或许,你是时候应该考虑换一份工作了。

10.At a set time each week (Mondays work for me), review your progress for the last week, and set goals for the week.每周的固定时间(我是在周一上班时)回顾你一周的进展,并确定本周的目标。