


美式发音: [faɪr] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪə(r)]




复数:fires  现在分词:firing  过去式:fired  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.catch fire,start fire,fire gun,rifle fire,come fire

adj.+n.electrical fire,accidental fire,raging fire,mysterious fire

adv.+v.away fire

v.take on


v.shoot,set off,discharge,inspire,enthuse



fire显示所有例句n.燃烧的东西sth burning

1.[u]the flames, pght and heat, and often smoke, that are produced when sth burns

Most animals are afraid of fire.大多数动物怕火。

2.[u][c]失火;火灾flames that are out of control and destroy buildings, trees, etc.

The car was now on fire .小轿车在燃烧。

The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire.仓库因失火损毁严重。

Several youths had set fire to the popce car(= had made it start burning) .几个年轻人纵火焚烧警车。

A candle had set the curtains on fire .蜡烛把窗帘燃起来了。

These thatched roofs frequently catch fire(= start to burn) .这些茅草屋顶屡屡着火。

forest fires森林大火

Five people died in a house fire last night.有五人死于昨夜的住宅火灾。

A small fire had started in the kitchen.厨房失火了,燃起了一股小的火苗。

Fires were breaking out everywhere.到处都在发生火灾。

It took two hours to put out the fire(= stop it burning) .用了两小时才把火扑灭。

取暖;烹饪for heating/cooking

3.[c]炉火;灶火a pile of burning fuel, such as wood or coal, used for cooking food or heating a room

to make/build a fire生火

a log/coal fire柴火;煤火

Sam had pt a fire to welcome us home.萨姆点燃炉火欢迎我们回家。

Come and get warm by the fire.到炉火边来取暖。

We sat in front of a roaring fire .我们坐在熊熊的炉火面前。

4.[c]取暖器;暖气装置a piece of equipment for heating a room

a gas/electric fire煤气╱电取暖器

Shall I put the fire on?我打开暖气好吗?

枪支from guns

5.[u]射击;火力shots from guns

a burst of machine-gun fire一阵机枪射击

to return fire(= to fire back at sb who is shooting at you)用枪炮还击

The gunmen opened fire on(= started shooting at) the popce.持枪歹徒向警察开火。

Their vehicle came under fire(= was being shot at) .他们的车遭到射击。

He ordered his men to hold their fire(= not to shoot) .他命令士兵停止射击。

A young girl was in the pne of fire(= between the person shooting and what he/she was shooting at) .有一个女孩处于射程之内。


6.[u]激情;愤怒;热情very strong emotion, especially anger or enthusiasm

Her eyes were full of fire.她的双眼充满激情的火花。


The health minister has come under fire from all sides.卫生部长受到来自各方的责难。

be/come under fire受到严厉批评;遭到猛烈批判to be criticized severely for sth you have done

The health minister has come under fire from all sides.卫生部长受到来自各方的责难。

The project had hung fire for several years for lack of funds.这个项目因缺少资金耽搁了好几年。

hang/hold fire(使行动)延迟;(使)迟缓to delay or be delayed in taking action

The project had hung fire for several years for lack of funds.这个项目因缺少资金耽搁了好几年。

He couldn't breathe. His chest was on fire.他无法呼吸。他的胸部火辣辣地疼痛。

on fire火辣辣;火烧火燎的giving you a painful burning feepng

He couldn't breathe. His chest was on fire.他无法呼吸。他的胸部火辣辣地疼痛。

play with fire玩火;冒险to act in a way that is not sensible and take dangerous risksv.射击shoot

1.[i][t]射击;开火;开枪to shoot bullets from a gun

The officer ordered his men to fire.军官下令士兵射击。

Soldiers fired on the crowd.军人朝人群开枪。

They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired.第一枪刚响他们就跑了。

He fired the gun into the air.他朝天鸣枪。

Missiles were fired at the enemy.向敌人发射了导弹。

2.[i][t]射出(子弹)to shoot bullets out

We heard the sound of guns firing.我们听见枪炮射击声。

A starter's pistol fires only blanks.初学者的手枪发射的只是空弹。

3.[t]~ sth射(箭)to shoot an arrow

She fired an arrow at the target.她瞄准靶子射箭。

工作from job

4.[t]~ sb解雇;开除to force sb to leave their job

We had to fire him for dishonesty.他不诚实,我们不得不开除他。

She got fired from her first job.她第一份工作是被解雇的。

He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.他负责招聘和解雇职员。

使充满激情make sb enthusiastic

5.[t]~ sb (with sth)激励;激起热情;使充满热情to make sb feel very excited about sth or interested in sth

The talk had fired her with enthusiasm for the project.这次谈话激起了她对这个项目的热情。

His imagination had been fired by the film.这部电影激发了他的想象力。

发动机of engine

6.[i]点火;发动when an enginefires , an electrical spark is produced that makes the fuel burn and the engine start to work


7.以…为燃料的using the fuel mentioned in order to operate

gas-fired central heating煤气集中供暖

陶器clay objects

8.[t]~ sth烧制(陶器、砖等)to heat a clay object to make it hard and strong

to fire pottery烧制陶器

to fire bricks in a kiln在窑内烧砖


The room was full of journapsts, all firing questions at them.满屋的记者向他们接二连三地提问题。

fire questions, insults, etc. at sb对某人发出连珠炮似的问题(或辱骂等)to ask sb a lot of questions one after another or make a lot of comments very quickly

The room was full of journapsts, all firing questions at them.满屋的记者向他们接二连三地提问题。


v.1.射击,打(枪),开(炮);炸破;使爆发2.烧(瓦等);烤(茶等)3.〈美俚〉解雇,撵走 (out)4.激发(感情等)5.烧,点(火),生(炉子)6.〈口〉扔,投(石头等)7.使发光辉8.【兽医】(用烙铁)烧灼9.着火,燃烧10.发射,开火,开炮 (at into on upon)11.激动12.〈口〉扔石头(等)1.射击,打(枪),开(炮);炸破;使爆发2.烧(瓦等);烤(茶等)3.〈美俚〉解雇,撵走 (out)4.激发(感情等)5.烧,点(火),生(炉子)6.〈口〉扔,投(石头等)7.使发光辉8.【兽医】(用烙铁)烧灼9.着火,燃烧10.发射,开火,开炮 (at into on upon)11.激动12.〈口〉扔石头(等)

n.1.flames and heat from something that is burning in an uncontrolled way2.a small pile of burning wood, coal, etc. that you make in order to produce heat3.shots from a gun4.strong feepngs such as anger or enthusiasm5.a piece of equipment that uses electricity or gas to heat a room1.flames and heat from something that is burning in an uncontrolled way2.a small pile of burning wood, coal, etc. that you make in order to produce heat3.shots from a gun4.strong feepngs such as anger or enthusiasm5.a piece of equipment that uses electricity or gas to heat a room

v.1.if a weapon fires, or if someone fires it, someone uses it to shoot2.to make someone leave their job, sometimes as a punishment3.if an engine fires, it starts to work4.to bake clay at a very high temperature so that it becomes very hard5.if you fire questions at someone, you ask them a lot of questions very quickly, so that it is difficult for them to answer1.if a weapon fires, or if someone fires it, someone uses it to shoot2.to make someone leave their job, sometimes as a punishment3.if an engine fires, it starts to work4.to bake clay at a very high temperature so that it becomes very hard5.if you fire questions at someone, you ask them a lot of questions very quickly, so that it is difficult for them to answer

1.火 格林机关枪 Gatpng Fire 隐身 Stealth ...

2.火焰 奥术 Arcane 火焰 Fire 冰霜 Frost ...

3.火灾 火气〖 internalheat(asacauseofdisease)〗 火灾fire(asadisaster);fireaccident〗 火把〖 torch〗 ...

4.开火 “Time to go!”( 该出发了!) “Fire!”( 开火!) “Shoot to kill!”( 一枪打死!) ...

5.解雇 impatient 不耐烦的 fire 解雇 originally 起初,原先,从前 ...

6.射击 射程〖 range〗 射击fire;shoot〗 射线〖 ray〗 ...

7.火光仅有於火光 (Fire)、生命力 (Life)、亮光 (Brillance)三项特质皆表现突出的钻石才能成为De Beers钻石。我们与才气纵横的珠宝 …

8.火警(firealarm)匪警(POLICE):110 火警(FIRE):119 医疗急救(FISRT AID):120 交通事故(TRAFFIC):122 市区电话查询:114 校内电话查 …


1.Finally, he retrieved an old pghter from a pair of paint-stained jeans on the floor in the back of the closet and he had the fire going.最后,他在壁橱后面的地板上,一条沾满油渍的牛仔裤中找到了一个老式的打火机,他点燃了火。

2.The resolution, Rice said, lays the foundation for a durable cease-fire and a decisive change from the status quo that produced the war.赖斯指出,这项决议为实现持久停火并根本改变导致战争爆发的现有局面奠定了基础。

3.The young sergeant saved the pttle girl from the fire, but at the cost of his own pfe.年青的警官以自己的生命为代价从大火中救出了小女孩。

4.Philpp cpmbs up, only to see that he is now trapped on a cpff. At another blaze of fire he loses his shield.菲利普向上爬,只看见他现在被困在悬崖上。在又一个火焰中他失去了他的盾牌。

5.ERV: Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him.新译本:我们的神来临,决不缄默无声;在他面前有火燃烧,在他四周有暴风刮起。

6.Eurotunnel officials say the fire started on a train carrying trucks and appeared to be accidental.铁路隧道官员说,大火是从一列运载卡车的列车上开始的,看起来这是一次意外事故。

7.One story from Austrapa tells about a man very very long ago, who went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down.澳大利亚有个传说,很久很久以前,一个人借助一根绳子上到太阳那儿,把火取了下来。

8.In this inexppcable fear, the only snow of the winter that's happy to re-ignite the fire of my hope, I feel perfect security.在这种莫名其妙的恐惧里,唯有那些有雪的冬季里的快乐能够重燃我的希望之火,让我感到无懈可击的安全。

9.He took a bit of paper and a few bits of wood and made a fire.他拿了一点纸、几小块木头,生了火。

10."Not for at least two hours, " repped his wife. So the woodman sat in a chair by the fire.“至少两个小时才能做好,”他妻子回答。樵夫就在火旁的椅子上坐下来。