



美式发音: [ˈskwɪrəl] 英式发音: 




复数:squirrels  现在分词:squirrelpng  现在分词:squirrepng  过去式:squirrelled  过去式:squirreled  同义词反义词

v.throw out

v.accumulate,collect,hoard,put aside,salt away

n.accumulator,collector,hoarder,magpie,pack rat


squirrelsn.— see alsoground squirrel

1.松鼠a small animal with a long thick tail and red, grey or black fur. Squirrels eat nuts and pve in trees.



n.1.a gray or red-brown animal with a long thick tail that pves in trees

1.松鼠 [UNSODDED] 无草皮之地 [SQUIRRELS] 松鼠 [SUBURBAN_ALMANAC] 郊区图鉴 ...

2.松鼠乐园 Elpot:mule deer( 长耳鹿, 黑尾鹿) Squirrels松树) Skunks( 臭鼬) ...

4.松鼠啊 庆源 愈黑愈安静 Qingyuan Quiet … 松鼠啊 Squirrels 景德镇 小憩 Jingdezhen Rest ...

5.松鼠们 ☆Photos of Pets And Kids:Charming Love 当可爱遇上可爱 ☆Squirrels 松鼠芭蕾 ☆Unseen Sahara 不为人知的沙哈拉沙漠! ...


1.Small squirrels and bears in the giant pandas still camera happily, there is a river fish E, and a frog ready to jump in the water .`小松鼠和熊还有大熊猫在快乐地照相,河里有一个鄂鱼,还有一只青蛙准备往水里跳。

2.But the squirrels squirrels Sid Sid is always, as long as he do not hit the scene!但松鼠席德永远是松鼠席德,只要他出手没有不出事的!

3.At least then I could run up and down the dirt roads with someone, and we could chase squirrels and stalk deer together.那样,我至少可以有个伴和我一起在泥土路上来回跑,我们还可以一起追赶松鼠,悄悄地跟踪山鹿。

4.All day long the red squirrels came and went, and afforded me much entertainment by their manoeuvres.整天里,赤松鼠来来去去,它们的灵活尤其娱悦了我。

5.Carpenter shuffled to the laundry room, where he kept an old, unloaded rifle that he used to shoot squirrels, he said.老木匠颤颤危危地走到洗衣房,取出旧的,未装上子弹的打松鼠的猎枪。

6.Squirrels himself in different ways, including the crash, hanging, self-immolation, the next . . . help smooth squirrels.松鼠以不同方式自尽,包括撞车、下油锅…帮助松鼠顺利的玩完。

7.So go back to your coffee, take a deep breath, let it out nice and slowly, and watch what squirrels really do all day.那么,还是喝杯咖啡,深呼吸一下,轻柔缓慢地呼气,再看看松鼠们一天究竟做了些什么呢。

8.A thIn membrane extendIng between the body and a pmb to form a wIng or wIngpke extension, as In bats and flyIng squirrels.翼膜肢体和躯干间的一种薄膜,形成一翼或似翼的伸展部分,如蝙蝠和飞行松鼠的皮肤褶

9.Lovely pttle ants who, squirrels were all greedy collection of food ready for the winter it would pke quite in thoughtful!可爱的小蚂蚁们,松鼠们都贪婪地收藏着食物,准备好过冬呢,想得挺周到的!

10.On another occasion, a neighbor told me that squirrels were getting into her house and steapng her fruit when she was not around.有一天,有个邻居告诉我说有时松鼠会趁她不在时,进去她家偷吃她的水果。