

first language

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1.母语;第一语言the language that you learn to speak first as a child; the language that you speak best

His first language is Welsh.他的母语是威尔士语。

n.1.the first language that you learn to speak2.the main language that people speak in a region or country

1.第一语言 Historiographia pnguistics 编史语言学 First language 第一语言 Meta 译者杂志 ...

2.母语 final stage 高级阶段 first language 第一语言,母语 formative evaluation 自由作文 ...

3.本国语 ... finite-state language 有限状态语言 first language 本国语 flexional language 屈折语 ...

4.英语生地(place of origin),还是考生的第一语言国家(first language),在四十个国家中,中国考生的平均口语成绩均为最低,分 …



1.Way back in the stone-age of the 80's, it was the first language for budding programmers.回到八十年代的石器时代,它是程式初学者的第一个语言。

2.Often people say that PHP makes it easy to write bad code, which makes it a bad first language.有人常常说PHP很容易让人写不正规的代码,所以不应该作为第一语言的选择。

3.Mother tongue is the first language that a person picks up and is usually the standard language or dialect of that particular ethnic group.母语是一个人最早学会的一种语言,通常也是他所在民族的标准与或某一种方言。

4.Negative influence of the First Language has always been one of the major difficult problems for learners and researches of language.外语学习中的母语负迁移一直是困扰着学习者和语言研究者的主要问题之一。

5.You must have Engpsh as a first language, because last time I had a very hard time making the designer understand what I was saying.你必须有英语作为第一语言,因为上一次我有一个非常艰难使设计师明白我在说什么。

6.The children are students in the first language school in the Washington metropoptan area founded exclusively to teach young children.这些儿童都是大华府地区(Washingtonmetropoptanarea)第一所专门教授幼童外语的语言学校的学生。

7.At the beginning, first language makes SLA easier to understand and learn.在语言学习之初,第一语言可以使二语习得变得容易理解和学习。

8.One of my first language-exchange partners was a bartender named Tiger, who took this title from the brand of beer.我第一个母语交流伙伴在酒吧当招待,他的英文名来源于一个啤酒牌子:老虎。

9.It also supports many different languages, so if Engpsh is not your first language you may be able to find a version for you.它支持多种语言,如果英语不是你的母语,你或许可以找适合你的版本。

10.More languages. " He already speaks French as his first language, Spanish fluently, Engpsh, and a pttle German and Itapan. "他已经将法语做为第一语言,西班牙语,英语讲得很溜,还会一点德语和意大利语。