




1.第一个夏天 富士山 Fujiyama 初夏 First Summer 弗朗西斯 丹尼 Frances Denney ...

3.在一个夏天 ... The book am writing by Mr. Zhang. 这本书是张男士写的。(被动) first summer 在一个夏天 first season 一年 ...


1.My ex-boyfriend was from Cornwall and during our first summer together, he took me to visit his parents back in his hometown.我的前男友来自英国的康瓦尔郡。我们在一起的第一个夏天,他带我回老家见他的父母。

2.This past summer was the first summer that I did not visit the pttle green cottage by the sea, and I cannot help but miss her.过去的这个暑假是我第一个没有去海边小屋度过的暑假,但是我会忍不住地想念她。

3.This was the first summer the coach let us boys wear swim trunk instead of those skimpy racing trunks.这是第一个暑假教练让我们穿泳裤而不再穿轻薄的赛车裤。

4.London 2012 will also be the first Summer Paralympic Games to use this Commentator Information System, with five sports added to the system.2012年的伦敦残奥会,也将成为第一个使用到这个解说信息系统的夏季残奥会,其中有五个项目新加入到系统中。

5.Hours after suffering a chest injury in Miami's first summer league practice, Beasley signed his rookie contract with the Heat.在迈阿密夏季联赛的第一次训练中胸部受伤几小时后,比斯利签下了与热火队的新秀合同。

6.Though it's a very poor photo, only first summer Little Gull can show that wing pattern. It appears to be dark - headed too.虽然是张很不清楚的相片,只有一龄夏羽小鸥的翼是那种样式。同时它头部看起来是黑色的。

7.Almost three years ago, on my first summer visit back to the U. S.差不多三年前,我第一次回美国过夏天。

8.That first summer, he gave me A's that didn't count.那个第一暑期,他给我打了A分,但实际并不算数。

9.The radio dial, particularly my first summer in Canada when I knew no one.尤其是我在加拿大的第一个夏天,一个人也不认识。

10.He got his first summer job at H& M at the age of 15.他15岁时在H&M得到了第一份暑期工作。