




1.屠程瑶 ... 贵宾 VIP 这是网络红人 FISH DO ...

3.屠程谣女:Yan大王、屠程谣Fish Do)+1 已赞过 一曲谢知� 10级 2009-06-26 耐吉,女许四多,男+1 已赞过 14052503 7级 2009-…


1.It turns out mice and fish do sing, although "vocapzations" might be a more technically correct way of describing the sounds they make.现已证实老鼠和鱼类的确也会歌唱,当然,用“发音”这个术语来指代它们的声音更为准确。

2.Do not hold fish in a bucket or some other containers and later decide to release it. If you are going to release a fish, do so right away.请勿将鱼放置在一个桶内或者其他容器内然后决定将其放生。若你要将鱼放生,那么现在就动手吧。

3.How much fish do you want?你要多少鱼?

4.Compere: We often say, did not comppcation simple thing, the treatment that dried and fish do is too simple really. Be washed clean.主持人:我们常说,别把简单的事情复杂化了,虾米和鱼干的加工实在是太简单了。

5.Some fish do not spawn until maturity: catch them before that and you've no baby fish produced for the next year.一些鱼在成熟之前是不产卵的:在些之前逮住它们,就不需要担心下一年鱼籽的产量。

6.My dog does everything with me. But fish do nothing all day.我的狗做什么事都和我在一起。但鱼整天什么事都不做。

7.GERALD LEAPE "They undermine the efforts of scientists to set quotas to make sure that stocks of fish do not go extinct. "他们破坏了科学家设置捕捞配额以确保鱼类种群不致于灭绝的努力。

8.How much fish do you want to buy?你要买多少鱼?

9.Adult fish do not seem affected. Older, bigger fish have thicker skins.成年的鱼看起来没什么影响,因为它们的皮肤更厚。

10.It's remarkable that a form of learning found to be optimal in humans is exactly what these fish do.这种鱼采用的正是人类最优化的一种学习方式,实在是了不起。