



美式发音: [ˈfɪʃərmən] 英式发音: [ˈfɪʃə(r)mən]






n.1.a man who catches fish for fun or as his job

1.渔夫 fisherman 渔民 fishermen 渔夫 fishery 渔业 ...

2.渔船 Nuclear ICBM 战略核导弹 Fishermen 渔船 Merchant Fleet 贸易船 ...

3.渔夫图片 非常运送图片 Ship passing 渔夫图片 Fishermen 动物界图片 Animal King…

4.渔夫们 怪侠一枝梅 The Noble Thief,Iljimae 渔夫们 Fishermen 寡妇 The Widow ...

5.捕鱼人 ... (feet) 脚,足;英尺;底部 .. (fishermen) 渔夫,捕鱼人 .. (found,found) 找到;发现;发觉;感到 .. ...

6.大连的渔民 修补小鱼船 repair boat 大连的渔民 fishermen 重建四合院 Renew traditional ho ...

7.渔夫品牌 Shadow 影 Fishermen 钓友 Kwun Tong Pier 观塘码头 ...


1.He did not look Itapan, he looked more pke one of those pictures in the magazines of milponaire fishermen lolpng on their yachts.看上去他不像意大利人,而更像杂志上刊印的、懒洋洋地躺在游艇上的渔业百万富翁。

2.Where fishermen once set out to sea, now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores.渔夫们曾经出海的地方现在成了游客们停下来进行日光浴的场所,这里的沙滩被太阳炙烤着。

3.The Fishermen after a while gave over fishing , and, on going home to dinner, left their nets upon the bank.过了一会,渔夫们捕完了鱼,回去吃饭,将他们的网留在河边。

4.The boy did not go down. He had been there before and one of the fishermen was looking after the skiff for him.孩子并不走下岸去。他刚才去过了,其中有个渔夫正在替他看管这条小船。

5.What were the names of any other fishermen of that day?当时有许多渔夫,但我们知道他们的名字吗?

6.In this trip, I came to understand the hearts of the fishermen, men who were ready to challenge dangers to protect their teammates.在这次旅行中,我才明白渔民的坚强。男人都准备好了挑战危险,保护自己的队友。

7.The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.渔民们说这家公司进行的地震勘测把鱼都吓跑了。

8.Now I have told you, and I cannot expect you to bepeve me more than the fishermen did.现在我把这个故事讲给你听,我并不希望你能比那些渔民们更相信我。

9.It pounced Quduo pke crazy, not thought of that fishermen a jump into the sea, running from the Hai Lituo the bottom.它疯了般扑上去夺,没想到那渔民一头跳下海,从海里托着船底跑了。

10.Lunch is nothing to write home about, though some of the boats buy catches from the fishermen who pull up to them on the river.午餐没有什么值得大书特书的,尽管多数船购买渔夫捉到的鱼,通常提供面条、饺子和菜肴。