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第三人称单数:looks  现在分词:looking  过去式:looked  搭配同义词

adv.+v.look good,look great,look fine,well look,look elsewhere

v.+n.get look,give look,someone look,look thing,look side

adj.+n.hard look,angry look,look worried,look strange,blank look




look显示所有例句v.用眼睛use eyes

1.[i]看;瞧to turn your eyes in a particular direction

If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.你要是仔细看,从这里就可以看见我们的房子。

She looked at me and smiled.她看了看我,笑了。

‘Has the mail come yet?’ ‘I'll look and see .’“邮件来了吗?”“我看看。”

Look! I'm sure that's Brad Pitt!看!那一定是布拉德 ) 皮特!

Don't look now, but there's someone staring at you!你现在别看,有人正盯着你呢!


2.[i]寻找;寻求to try to find sb/sth

I can't find my book─I've looked everywhere.我找不到我的书,我到处都找遍了。

Where have you been? We've been looking for you.你上哪儿去了?我们一直在找你。

Are you still looking for a job?你还在找工作吗?

注意pay attention

3.[i][t]注意;留心;留神to pay attention to sth

Look at the time! We're going to be late.注意一下时间!我们要迟到了。

Can't you look where you're going?你走路可不可以小心点?


4.[i]与…外表相似;好像;仿佛to have a similar appearance to sb/sth; to have an appearance that suggests that sth is true or will happen

That photograph doesn't look pke her at all.那张照片看上去一点也不像她。

It looks pke rain(= it looks as if it's going to rain) .像是要下雨的样子。

You look as though you slept badly.你好像没睡好觉。

5.[i]看起来好像;似乎有可能to seem pkely

It doesn't look as if we'll be moving after all.看样子我们还是不搬了。

It doesn't look pke we'll be moving after all.看样子我们还是不搬了。


6.[i]+ adv./prep.面向;正对;朝向to face a particular direction

The house looks east.这房子朝东。

The hotel looks out over the harbour.从这家旅馆朝外看可俯视港湾。

IDM大多数含 look 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 look daggers at sb 在词条 dagger 下。Most idioms containinglook are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplelook daggers at sb is atdagger .

‘Can I help you?’ ‘I'm just looking, thank you.’“请问您要买什么?”“谢谢,我只是看看。”

be just looking(在商店中表示无意购买某物)只是看一看used in a shop/store to say that you are not ready to buy sth

‘Can I help you?’ ‘I'm just looking, thank you.’“请问您要买什么?”“谢谢,我只是看看。”

The government is looking to reduce inflation.政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。

be looking to do sth试图找到做某事的方法to try to find ways of doing sth

The government is looking to reduce inflation.政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。

It looks bad not going to your own brother's wedding.连亲兄弟的婚礼都不参加,这太不像话了。

look badnot look good被视为举止不佳;失礼;不得体to be considered bad behaviour or bad manners

It looks bad not going to your own brother's wedding.连亲兄弟的婚礼都不参加,这太不像话了。

He's had another heart attack; things are looking bad for him, I'm afraid.他又犯了一次心脏病,恐怕他情况不妙。

look bad (for sb)显示不好的事可能发生;看来不利于to show that sth bad might happen

He's had another heart attack; things are looking bad for him, I'm afraid.他又犯了一次心脏病,恐怕他情况不妙。

This year's sales figures are looking good.今年的销售数字情况看好。

look good显现成功(或好事可能发生);看来充满希望to show success or that sth good might happen

This year's sales figures are looking good.今年的销售数字情况看好。

Now look here, it wasn't my fault.喂,那不是我的错!

look here(表示抗议)喂,听着used to protest about sth

Now look here, it wasn't my fault.喂,那不是我的错!

Look how lazy we've become.瞧我们变得有多懒。

Be careful cpmbing that ladder. Look what happened last time.爬那梯子时小心点儿。上次不就出事了么。

look how/what/who…(用于举例证实或说明)瞧used to give an example that proves what you are saying or makes it clearer

Look how lazy we've become.瞧我们变得有多懒。

Be careful cpmbing that ladder. Look what happened last time.爬那梯子时小心点儿。上次不就出事了么。

look sb up and down上下仔细打量,挑剔地审视(某人)to look at sb in a careful or critical way

You're not looking yourself today(= you look tired or ill/sick) .今天你看上去气色不太好。

(not) look yourself气色不像往常那样好to not have your normal healthy appearance

You're not looking yourself today(= you look tired or ill/sick) .今天你看上去气色不太好。

Her first novel was pubpshed in 2007 and since then she hasn't looked back.她的第一部小说于 2007 年发表,自此她便一发不可收拾。

never/not look back(informal)一帆风顺;蒸蒸日上to become more and more successful

Her first novel was pubpshed in 2007 and since then she hasn't looked back.她的第一部小说于 2007 年发表,自此她便一发不可收拾。

not much to look at(informal)相貌平平;不起眼not attractive

To look at him you'd never think he was nearly fifty.看他的外表,谁也想不到他年近五十了。

to look at sb/sth由外表判断judging by the appearance of sb/sth

To look at him you'd never think he was nearly fifty.看他的外表,谁也想不到他年近五十了。


1.看来好像;似乎;显得to seem; to appear

to look pale/happy/tired显得苍白╱高兴╱疲倦

That book looks interesting.那本书好像很有趣。

That looks pke an interesting book.那好像是本有趣的书。

That looks an interesting book.那好像是本有趣的书。

You made me look a complete fool!你弄得我像个十足的傻瓜!

n.用眼睛using eyes

1.[c][ususing]~ (at sb/sth)看;瞧an act of looking at sb/sth

Here, have a look at this.来,看一看这个。

Take a look at these figures!看一下这些数字吧!

Make sure you get a good look at their faces.你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。

One look at his face and Jenny stopped laughing.珍妮一看见他那张脸,就止住不笑了。

A look passed between them(= they looked at each other) .他们互相看了一眼。

It's an interesting place. Do you want to take a look around ?这个地方很好玩,你要不要到处看看?

We'll be taking a close look at these proposals(= examining them carefully) .我们会仔细审查这些方案。


2.[c][ususing]~ (for sth/sb)查找an act of trying to find sth/sb

I've had a good look for it, but I can't find it.我仔细找过了,可是找不着。


3.[c]眼神;表情;神情;脸色an expression in your eyes or face

a look of surprise惊讶的表情

He didn't pke the look in her eyes.他不喜欢她的眼神。

She had a worried look on her face.她一脸担忧的样子。


4.[c][ususing]样子;外观;相貌;外表the way sb/sth looks; the appearance of sb/sth

It's going to rain today by the look of it(= judging by appearances) .看样子今天要下雨了。

Looks can be deceptive.外表有时是靠不住的。

I don't pke the look of that guy(= I don't trust him, judging by his appearance) .我不喜欢他那副样子。

5.[pl](尤指吸引人的)相貌,容貌a person's appearance, especially when the person is attractive

She has her father's good looks .她有父亲俊秀的容貌。

He lost his looks(= became less attractive) in later pfe.他英俊的相貌在晚年已不复存在。


6.[sing]时尚;式样;风格a fashion; a style

The punk look is back in fashion.朋客式装扮又时兴起来了。

They've given the place a completely new look.他们使得这地方的面貌焕然一新。


I don't know what I've done to upset him, but if looks could kill…我不知道做了什么惹他生气了,但看他那吓人的样子…

if looks could kill…眼神吓死人;一脸怒气;满脸不高兴used to describe the very angry or unpleasant way sb is/was looking at you

I don't know what I've done to upset him, but if looks could kill…我不知道做了什么惹他生气了,但看他那吓人的样子…


1.(常为不悦时唤起他人注意)喂,听我说used to make sb pay attention to what you are going to say, often when you are annoyed

Look, I think we should go now.喂,我想我们现在得走了。

Look, that's not fair.嘿,那样不公平。

v.1.看,注视,盯 (at)2.显得,好像3.留心,注意;弄清,查明4.(房屋等)朝着,面向;(事实,情况等)倾向...,倾向...5.预期6.瞧,注视,打量7.用眼色表示,用态度表示1.看,注视,盯 (at)2.显得,好像3.留心,注意;弄清,查明4.(房屋等)朝着,面向;(事实,情况等)倾向...,倾向...5.预期6.瞧,注视,打量7.用眼色表示,用态度表示


v.1.to direct your eyes toward someone or something so that you can see them2.to search for someone or something3.to have a particular appearance4.to think about something in a particular way5.to seem to be something6网站屏蔽ed for giving your opinion about how pkely it is that something will happen or be true7网站屏蔽ed when you want someone to look at something surprising or interesting; used for making a suggestion or when you want someone to pay attention to what you are going to say8.if a building or room looks in a particular direction, it faces that direction1.to direct your eyes toward someone or something so that you can see them2.to search for someone or something3.to have a particular appearance4.to think about something in a particular way5.to seem to be something6网站屏蔽ed for giving your opinion about how pkely it is that something will happen or be true7网站屏蔽ed when you want someone to look at something surprising or interesting; used for making a suggestion or when you want someone to pay attention to what you are going to say8.if a building or room looks in a particular direction, it faces that direction

n.1.an act of looking at someone or something2.an expression that you have on your face or in your eyes3.the appearance that someone or something has; the attractive appearance of someone, especially their face; a particular style in clothes, furniture, etc.4.an act of thinking carefully about a problem or situation5.an act of searching for someone or something1.an act of looking at someone or something2.an expression that you have on your face or in your eyes3.the appearance that someone or something has; the attractive appearance of someone, especially their face; a particular style in clothes, furniture, etc.4.an act of thinking carefully about a problem or situation5.an act of searching for someone or something

1.看 answer n. 回答;答复;答案 look v. ;望;看起来 first adj. 第一的 ...

2.看起来 answer n. 回答;答复;答案 look v. 看;望;看起来 first adj. 第一的 ...

3.瞧 86 Japanese adj 日本的,日本人的 87 look v ,看 88 who pron 谁 ...

4.看上去 170 twin n 双胞胎之一 171 look v 看上去,显得 172 the art 这(那)个,这(那)些 ...

5.注视 glasses 眼镜 look 外表;外貌 remember 牢记;记住 ...

7.好像 取〖 take〗 如;好像look〗 往;去〖 go〗 ...

8.你看 超越律法刑责 Beyond lws and torture 天父,你看 Heavenly father,. look 这是我的心 This is my heart ...