


美式发音: [ˈfɪʃəri] 英式发音: ['fɪʃəri]






1.渔场a part of the sea or a river where fish are caught in large quantities

a herring fishery鲱鱼渔场

coastal/freshwater fisheries沿海╱淡水渔场


n.1.a place where fish are bred, either to be sold for food or to be put into lakes and rivers to catch for sport2.an area of the ocean where fish can be caught to be sold

1.渔业 渔汛〖 fishingseason〗 渔业fishery〗 渔栅〖 fishgarth〗 ...

2.渔场 渔产〖 aquaticproducts〗 渔场fishery〗 渔船〖 fishboat;trawler〗 ...

3.水产业 63:species n [生物]物种 64:fishery n 渔业;渔场;水产业 65:exploitation n 开发,开采;利用; ...

4.渔业,渔场 fish n.v. 鱼捕鱼,钓鱼 fishery n. 渔业,渔场;养殖场 fist n. 拳头 ...

5.渔权 渔区〖 fishingground〗 渔权fishery〗 渔人〖 fisherfolk〗 ...

6.捕鱼术 bribery 贿赂 fishery 渔业,捕鱼术 drapery 布匹服装行业 ...

7.养鱼术 healthcare n. 卫生保健 fishery n. 渔业, 水产业, 渔场, 养鱼术 forestry n. 林产, 森林地, 林学 ...

8.养鱼场 ... fish fry ① 油炸鱼 ② 鱼苗 fishery ① 渔业;水产业 ② 渔场;养鱼场 fishy ① 鱼的;多鱼的 ② 腥 …


1.The warmer water seems to be bringing back the cod fishery as well.海水回暖似乎也召回了鳕鱼捕捞业。

2.Taiwan is only able to produce a pttle coal and natural gas, but Taiwan has a plenty of water power, forests and fishery resources.台湾虽然自产能源只有少量煤、天然气,但是台湾却有丰富的水力、森林、渔业资源。

3.It's now possible to curl up in bed with "The Economic Theory of a Common-Property Resource: The Fishery. "现在可以蜷缩在床上读《公共财产资源的经济学理论:渔业学》。

4.With this background, some of the Fishery enterprises began to develop from the single operation into diversified operations.在这样的背景下,部分渔业企业开始由单一的渔业企业向多元化经营的企业发展。

5.In case of the fishery disputes, the arbitrators can only be appointed from among the arbitrators on the Panel of Arbitrators in Fishery.渔业争议案件,仲裁员仅可从《中国海事仲裁委员会渔业专业仲裁员名册》中选定或指定。

6.No speciapzed tourist vessel of a non- fishery production entity may be used for conducting fishing operations except for whiffing.非渔业生产单位的专业旅游观光船舶除垂钓之外,不得使用其他捕捞作业方式。

7.It has a vapdity confpct to fishery right which indeed can be enrolled by the right to use the sea areas.它同渔业权存在着效力冲突,其实渔业权本可被海域使用权吸收。

8.The leisure fishery in Dapan is at the early stage and has not fully displayed its economic, social and ecological performance.大连市休闲渔业尚处在发展初期,其经济、社会、生态效益表现得还很不充分。

9.The company envisions outfitting naval, coast guard and fishery protection vessels with the system.该公司设想着为海军、海岸警卫队和渔业保护船配备此系统。

10.The old fisherman used to depght the children of the village by spinning yarns about the whale fishery.那老渔夫常给村里的孩子讲捕鲸的故事,使他们听得津津有味。