




1.升旗 ... hail:to salute or greet( 向...欢呼, 致敬) flag-raising:( 升旗) head:to be in charge of;lead( 作为...的首领) ...

2.升旗仪式 ... 49. Training course( 训练课) 50. Flag-raising升旗仪式) 51. Promote( 提升) ...


1.At the national flag-raising ceremony once a week, it is a great honour for the children who are luck to be choosen to raise the flag.每周一次的升国旗仪式,有幸作为升旗手的孩子们,那认真的步伐和庄严的表情。

2.Flag guards kick off the day's celebrations with a national-flag-raising ceremony.国旗护卫队以一次升国旗仪式开始了这天的庆典。

3.Which is to say that that ostentatious flag-raising ritual was not entirely useless.看来那个本为炫耀的升旗仪式也不是完全没有作用。

4.Through the rectangular pool, the next place we come to Taiwan is a flag-raising.走过矩形的水池,接下来我们来的地方就是升旗台了。

5.Admission to all movement, carried out the flag - raising ceremony, accompanied by five- star red flag of "March of the Volunteers" rising.运动全部入场后,进行了升旗仪式,五星红旗伴随着《义勇军进行曲》冉冉升起。

6.First came a weekly flag-raising ceremony with a rousing address in every school.先是,每所学校每周都要举行升旗仪式,并发表激励性的演说。

7.National anthem playing and flag raising ceremonies are mandatory at IFSC Championships and World Cup final competitions.在IFSC的锦标赛和世界盃决赛中播放国歌和升国旗在典礼中是必要的。

8.This week the flag-raising ceremony ends, the next unit is 52 squadron flag-raising ready, please review now under the national flag!本周升旗仪式到此结束,下周升旗单位是五二中队,请做好准备,国旗下检阅现在开始!

9.Be neatly dressed, take off your hats in salutation and sing national anthem in unison at the flag-raising ceremony.参加升旗仪式,衣着整洁、脱帽致礼,齐唱国歌。

10.The festivities began with a flag-raising ceremony attended by 500 people and ending with a fireworks show in the evening.节日从500人参加的升旗典礼开始,在晚间的烟花表演中结束。