


美式发音: [pəˈtroʊkləs] 英式发音: [pəˈtrɔkləs]





n.1.in Greek mythology, a friend of Achilles and a warrior in the Trojan War

1.帕特罗克洛斯32017565 拍摄时间: 《特洛伊木马》(The Trojan horse),156…

5.挚友派特罗克勒斯赫克托杀戮阿基里斯的挚友派特罗克勒斯(Patroclus) ,阿基里斯悲痛欲绝,满腔的怒气瞬间拼出报复的火焰,投入战场与赫克 …

6.帕特洛克洛斯帕特洛克洛斯(Patroclus):墨诺提俄斯之子;阿喀琉斯的密友;死于赫克托耳之手,他的死使阿喀琉斯重新参战攻打特洛亚。 …


1.Then the King leaned gracefully down from his saddle, and struck Patroclus with his jeweled sword and knighted him on the spot.于是国王从马鞍上优雅地倾下身子,用镶着宝石的剑轻触普特洛克勒斯,当场给他封了爵士。

2.One morning the King had been out hunting and happened to ride by the cottage of Patroclus with a train of his knights.一天上午,国王出宫狩猎,骑着马,带着一队骑士,碰巧经过普特洛克勒斯的小屋。

3.Patroclus was in constant attendance on the King and used to stand all day in his antechamber.普特洛克勒斯从此留在国王身边侍驾,经常整天站在大殿前听候差遣。

4.If you, Patroclus, could be in his armor, and perhaps the very sight of it may drive back the Trojans.普特洛克勒斯,如果你能穿上他的盔甲,也许能令特洛伊人望而生畏、退避三舍。

5.The fat boy's name was AEneas , his father's name was Patroclus, and his mother's Daphne.小胖仔名叫爱涅阿斯,他的爸爸叫普特洛克勒斯,他的妈妈叫达芙妮。

6.Patroclus and AEneas looked up and saw the Pumpkin Giant coming with his mouth wide open.普特洛克勒斯和爱涅阿斯抬头一看,只见南瓜巨人张着大嘴过来了。

7.Patroclus came home, and they told him, and he sat down and lamented with them.普特洛克勒斯回来了,他们把事情告诉他,他也坐下来和母子俩一同大哭。

8.One morning Patroclus and AEneas were out in the field digging potatoes, for new potatoes were just in the market.一天早晨,普特洛克勒斯和爱涅阿斯一起去地里刨土豆,这时候正好该新土豆上市了。

9.Achilles, at the news, felt regretted but only agreed that Patroclus could lead their army to the field and lend him his armor.阿喀琉斯听说后后悔莫及,但是他只是同意让普特洛克勒斯带部队重返战场,并把自己的盔甲借给他。

10.Patroclus forgot what Achilles had advised him, and came too near to Hector, and was recognized.普特洛克勒斯忘记了阿喀琉斯的嘱咐,他离赫克托耳太近了,结果被认了出来。