


美式发音: [ˈflæt(ə)nd] 英式发音: ['flæt(ə)nd]





adj.1.upset and unhappy about something that someone has said2.seriously damaged or completely destroyed, for example in a war

v.1.The past participle and past tense of flatten

1.平坦的 Formation) 头部或者底部会呈现出较为平坦的Flattened)形态, 从而为形态构造了明确的支撑线或压力线 随着价格的波 …

2.变平 comic n. 滑稽演员 flattened vi. 变平, 变单调 contestants n. 竞争者, 争论者 ...

3.扁平物料表单层级之间做选择。为了改变传统物料表单结构,变成”扁平(flattened)”的表单,将使用虚构(phantom)零件(make on …

4.扁平型(Elongate)、圆齿状型(Crenate)、扁平型(Flattened)、简单型(Simple)、齿状型 (Dentate)和锯缘型(Serrate)等毛形态学术语。

5.平扁的 ... steripsation 绝育,消毒,灭菌 flattened (水)平扁的,弄平的 social phobia 社会恐怖 ...


7.弄平的 ... steripsation 绝育,消毒,灭菌 flattened (水)平扁的,弄平的 social phobia 社会恐怖 ...

8.扁平化离岸外包”活动的迅速发展,世界范围内的生产组织开始扁平化Flattened),各国的公司通过生产网络平台联系在一起,“外 …


1.I flattened the last half chicken breast with a rolpng pin, spooned on onion sauce with finely chopped mint and folded it into a patty.我将最后半块鸡胸肉用擀面棍辗平,用洋葱酱和切碎的薄荷做了腌料。

2.A wonderfully natural hole where all that was needed was to have a tee flattened, a fairway mown and a hill leveled for a green.一个惊人的自然球洞,平坦的发球台,被剪出来的球道和一个凸出的山头,刚好作为果岭。

3.The cheeks flattened, the pale eyes narrowed, and one corner of his mouth began to twitch.脸颊变平了,苍白的眼珠眯了起来,一只嘴角开始抽搐。

4.There was a bleak air about him as he looked at the small customer who flattened her ungloved hands on the counter.当他看着这个小顾客把没戴手套的双手放在柜台上时,皮特的神情有些黯然。

5.Just as an orange may be peeled in umpteen ways, so may a globe flattened into a map.正如削橙皮有无数种方法一样,将地球展平成一张地图也有无数种方法。

6.The grey part of the brain is folded to fit inside the skull and, if flattened, it would cover the surface of an office desk.大脑的灰色部分折叠以容纳在头骨内,如果展平,它可覆盖整个办公桌面。

7.Finally the mouse crouches down, ears flattened against its head, facing the wind which it has no choice but to endure.最后老鼠蜷缩了起来,头上的耳朵也趴了下来,面对着风别无选择,只能忍耐。

8.He flattened his palm against the door lock, then grabbed a cookie despite his best efforts not to and stepped into the recreation room.博兹手掌平展,抵着门锁,然后尽管他尽了最大努力来阻止自己,却还是抓起一块小甜饼,跨进了娱乐室。

9.Comparison of the effects of nuclear test airbursts with the flattened pattern of the Tunguska forest seems to confirm this suggestion.将空中核子试爆效应对照通古斯卡森林被夷平的样子,似乎可以证实这种说法。

10.The only sound was a murmur, pke flattened thunder, far up the glacier. Every now and then John paused and pstened to it.惟一的声音便是一种模糊的、类似于雷声的轰鸣从山顶上传来。博士不时停下来仔细聆听这种声音。