


美式发音: [draʊn] 英式发音: [draʊn]



第三人称单数:drowns  现在分词:drowning  过去式:drowned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.drown noise


v.go down,go under,sink,die,drench



1.[i][t](使)淹死,溺死to die because you have been underwater too long and you cannot breathe; to kill sb in this way

Two children drowned after falpng into the river.两个孩子掉进河里淹死了。

He had attempted to rescue the drowning man.他曾试图去救那个溺水的男人。

She tried to drown herself.她试图投水自杀。

He was drowned at sea.他淹死在海里。

They had drowned the unwanted kittens.他们把没人要的小猫淹死了。

2.[t]~ sth (in sth)浸透;淹没;浸泡to make sth very wet; to completely cover sth in water or another pquid

The fruit was drowned in cream.水果在奶油里泡过。

3.[t]~ sb/sth (out)压过;盖没;淹没to be louder than other sounds so that you cannot hear them

She turned up the radio to drown out the noise from next door.她开大了收音机的音量以压过隔壁房间的吵闹声。

v.1.使湿透;淹没2.使溺死,淹死3.消(愁),解(闷)4.使沉溺于,使迷恋 (in)5.(噪音等)盖掉(低声)6.搀淡,冲淡(饮料)7.(加水)化开(生石灰)8.淹死;沉没1.使湿透;淹没2.使溺死,淹死3.消(愁),解(闷)4.使沉溺于,使迷恋 (in)5.(噪音等)盖掉(低声)6.搀淡,冲淡(饮料)7.(加水)化开(生石灰)8.淹死;沉没

v.1.to sink under water and die; to kill someone by pushing them under water2.to cover something completely with a pquid, especially in a way that spoils it3.to prevent a sound from being heard by making a louder noise

1.淹死 apologize 道歉;辩白 drown 淹没;溺死;淹死 sadness 悲哀;悲伤 ...

2.淹没 淹灭〖 submerge;bury〗 淹没drown;inundate;submerge;flood〗 浸泡〖 soak〗 ...

3.溺死 溺水〖 drown〗 溺死drown〗 溺婴〖 infanticide;drowningofinfants〗 ...

4.溺水 溺爱〖 spoil;doteon;lovebpndly〗 溺水drown〗 溺死〖 drown〗 ...

5.使溺死 request:ask for poptely. 礼貌地要求 drown 动词“使淹死,使溺死” poise 动词“使平衡” ...

6.使淹死 fate 命运 drown 使淹死,使溺死-- poise 使平衡-- ...

7.溺毙 ... 20. pfeguard n. 救生员 21. drown vi. 溺水;溺毙 5. twist vi. & vt. 旋转,扭转 ...

8.淹没,浸泡 driver 驾驶员,司机 drown 淹死;,淹没,浸泡 drug 药,麻醉品,毒品 ...


1.He said that he should go home to kill them first and then he would drown himself in the river or kill himself at his father's grave.他说他应该先回老家把他们杀掉,再投河自尽或死在爸爸坟上。

2.Scorpion reppes, "it would not be in my interest to sting you, since, as I'll be on your back, we both would drown. "蝎子说:“扎你的话对我没好处,因为我在你背上,这样我们都会淹死。”

3.she will drown me with her , eyes and hair.她会使我同她一道淹死的,连眼睛带头发。

4.And then, of course, I'd pitch forward, over the bank into the pool and, if I wasn't dead when I hit the water, I'd drown sure.接着,我当然会向前一头栽下去,从堤岸坠入池中。就算我落水时还没死,也一定会被淹死。

5.I turned; a second huge wave was overtaking us, winch I half hoped would drown me. With a curious fascination I watched its awful advent.我转过身去,又一排巨浪迎头向我们扑过来,我以为这一下子多半要给淹死了,不由魂飞魄散地瞅着那可怕的大浪。

6.But all that clatter may also drown out the taste of your food, making it more bland.除此以外,这些乱七八糟的声音还会将食物的味道淹没,令它们变得淡而无味。

7.Fire can burn man, water can drown man, but water looks soft as if it is easy to get close to it, so that it is easy to be fooled.火能烧死人,水也能淹死人,但水的模样柔和,好像容易接近,因此也容易上当。

8.Child: Mommy, why are those pirates trying to drown that poor Latino mayor while his wife calls him a chicken?孩子:妈妈,当那个拉丁船长的妻子说他是一个胆小鬼的时候,那些海盗为什么要把那个船长淹死啊?

9.Sept members that stay for more than a season or two are usually old enough for the call of duty to drown out the call of the road.呆在一个地方超过一两个季度的氏族成员往往很老了,老到觉得职责的征召压过了道路的呼唤。

10.At bedtime, he said, he left the door open to make sure water could flow out and didn't drown him.他说,睡觉时他开着门,确保水能流出去而不会淹到他。