


美式发音: ['flætnɪŋ] 英式发音: ['flætnɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of flatten

1.压扁 镦粗 upsetting 压扁 flattening 去氧化皮 scale-breaking ...

2.扁率 final value theorem 终值定理 flattening 扁率 float solution 浮点解 ...

3.扁平化 整形 forming to size 校平 flattening / planishing 校直 straightening ...

5.展平立一条包含压延筋的3D封闭曲线,投影到板材上,利用展平(Flattening)功能,得到所需板材初始形状的优化曲线,将曲线导 …

6.压扁作用 压扁片麻岩 flaser-gneiss 压扁作用 flattening 压波 compressional waves ...

7.扁平率 flatness 扁平度 Flattening 扁平率 Flattening of the earth 地球扁平率 ...

8.矫平 flattener 矫直机 flattening 矫平 flattening test 压扁试验 ...


1.There was a break in the mountains on the right bank, a flattening-out with a low shore pne that I thought must be Cannobio.右岸高山间有一个破口,成为一条低下去的湖岸线,那地方大概就是坎诺比奥吧。

2.Fear is often shown by flattening the ears against the head.如果是把耳朵紧贴脑袋就表示它们的害怕。

3.Both the front and rear tyres on this model are tubeless type that are less susceptible to sudden flattening should the tyre be punctured.无论是正面,并在此模型的后轮内胎轮胎类型,不太容易受到突然平缓如果轮胎被刺破。

4.It has no patagium, but gpdes from the tree tops by flattening its body out to maximize surface area.它没有翼膜,但可以通过伸直身体来扩大体表面积跳出去在树顶间滑翔。

5.but then, right ahead of him, behind him, all round him, he foundhis palms flattening against a wall of glass.但是紧接着,他发现前面、后面,四面八方到处都是挤压他手掌的玻璃墙。

6.Level or flatten: The earthquake leveled entire towns, flattening the simple adobe, brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble.地震夷平了整个城镇,推毁了简易土坯和砖结构建筑,在灾区只留下一片废墟。

7.Parametric trimmed surface development is primarily used for flattening a 3D surface into a corresponding 2D pattern or surface.提出一种基于物理模型的参数化曲面展开方法。

8.So we must beware of flattening out bibpcal teaching, as if it taught only one truth or even concentrated on one truth.因此,我们必须小心,不要把圣经的教导变得很单调,好像它只是在教导一个真理,或甚至只集中在一个真理上。

9.One factor could be simply just a general flattening of vulnerabipty discoveries.其中一个因素,可以简单地只是一个一般平坦的脆弱性的发现。

10.The quake leveled entire towns, flattening the simple adobe, brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble.地震夷平了整个城镇,摧毁了简易土坯房和砖结构建筑,在受灾区只留下一片废墟。