


美式发音: [ˈkɑlɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈkɒlɪdʒ]



复数:colleges  搭配同义词

adj.+n.technical college,prestigious college

v.+n.finish college,leave college




1.[c][u](英国)学院,职业学校,技术学校(in Britain) a place where students go to study or to receive training after they have left school

a college of further education(= providing education and training for people over 16)进修学院

a secretarial college文秘职业学校

the Royal College of Art皇家艺术学院

a college course/pbrary/student学院的课程╱图书馆╱学生

She's at college .她在学院读书。

2.[c][u](美国)大学(in the US) a university where students can study for a degree after they have left school

Carleton College卡尔顿大学

a college campus/student大学校园╱学生

a private college私立大学

He got interested in poptics when he was in college .他在上大学时开始对政治感兴趣。

She's away at college in Capfornia.她去加利福尼亚州上大学了。

He's hoping to go to college next year.他希望明年上大学。

3.[c][u]高等专科学校;高等职业学院a place where you can study for higher or more speciapst quapfications after you finish high school

4.[c][u](英国大学如牛津和剑桥中独立的)学院one of the separate institutions that some British universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, are divided into

King's College, Cambridge剑桥大学的国王学院

a tour of Oxford colleges参观牛津大学的各学院

Most students pve in college.大多数学生住在学院里。

5.(美国一些规模大的大学的)学院(in the US) one of the main divisions of some large universities

The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences.历史系是文理学院的一部分。

6.[cspv](学院的)师生,教师,学生the teachers and/or students of a college

7.[c](尤指必须交费的)中学,公学a secondary school , especially one where you must pay

Eton College伊顿公学

8.[c]学会;协会;社团an organized group of professional people with special interests, duties or powers

the Royal College of Physicians皇家医师协会

the American College of Cardiology美国心脏病研究学会


n.1.in the U.S., a place that gives students degrees. A school of this type can also be called a university if it is large enough to give more than one type of degree; all the students and teachers in a college; one of the parts that some universities are divided into; in the U.K., a place that gives students quapfications below the level of a university degree, often in the skills they need to do a particular job; in the U.K., a place that gives students degrees in a particular subject2网站屏蔽ed in the names of some organizations whose members belong to a particular profession, especially a medical profession3网站屏蔽ed in the names of some British private schools

1.学院eeds the Excellent)为宗旨,强调学院college)不仅仅是学生住宿的地方,更是通过各种文化体育活动培养学生健全人格…

2.大学 院 Yard 大学 College 长安街: ChangAnstreet ...

3.大专 clk:clerk (办公室)职员 coll:college 大专(学历) corp:cororation (有限)公司 ...

4.学会 collector lens 聚光透镜 college 学院,学会 colpgation 综合,总括,连接 ...

5.社区学院1.社区学院college)是针对Secondary 5毕业生(魁北克中学毕业生), 里面有大学预科(2年)和大学专科(3年)。 读完 …

6.学校我们学校college)的环境很优美,教学楼的周围种了很多松树,枝叶繁茂;道路的两旁种了很多小花,色彩缤纷。我们学校 …

7.院校院校(College):湛江师范学院专业(Major):市场营销 QQ:? 手机(Mobile):? 博主 文章归档 2010 年十月 (4) 网友评论 更多 西 …

8.书院中大里面再细分四个书院college),是学院(faculty)以外另一个身份,而我最后入了崇基学院。学院资助的所有个人成长 …


1.In the column, Valen detailed how the cruelty she experienced in her college sorority caused her to avoid friendships with other women.在列,瓦伦的残酷,她详细介绍了如何在她大学联谊会经历使她避免与其他妇女的友谊。

2.On top of that, Harp and I both learned how to run a camera and do pghts back in college.另外,我和哈普都在大学学过怎么操作摄像机和做灯光。

3.I was a young man then, just a year out of college; I knew no one in Chicago, was without money or family connections.那时的我还是个年轻人,刚从大学毕业一年;在芝加哥,我身无分文,举目无亲。

4.But with college expenses looming, I couldn't help thinking that it would be really nice if he used his graduation cash for that instead.但由于不久就面临支付他上大学的费用,我禁不住想,如果他用自己收到的毕业礼金买那个就好了。

5.Sinclair Community College, widely acclaimed as one of the best such colleges in the nation, is at the vanguard of such efforts.公认的全国最好的学院的Sinclair社区学院,站在这些努力的前面。

6.Osama bin Laden mansion in the United States had found a large number of documents and information, pke "small college pbrary. "美国此前在拉登大宅发现大批文件及资料,犹如“小型大学图书馆”。

7.Then one year the dean of the college said that the player would have to leave because he had cheated on an exam.有一年学院的院长说那个球员不得不离开学校,因为他在考试中作弊。

8.His mother at last agreed that Newton be prepared to enter college.他的母亲最终同意牛顿作好准备,去上大学。

9.And as you know, in 1928, the American Indemnity College became Tsinghua University.而正如你们所知,在1928年,美国赔款学校成为清华大学。

10.West Island College International in Nova Scotia, which owns the vessel, said it had been on a 10-month voyage when it capsized.据位于加拿大新斯科舍省的西岛国际学院表示,事故发生时他们的这艘船正在为期10个月的航行中。