


美式发音: [ˈflætərɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈflæt(ə)rɪŋ]









1.使人显得更漂亮的making sb look more attractive

a flattering dress穿上去使人更漂亮的连衣裙

2.奉承的;阿谀的;讨好的saying nice things about sb/sth

flattering remarks奉承话

3.奉承的;使人感到荣幸的making sb feel pleased and special

I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years.过了这么多年他还认得我,使我觉得荣幸。



adj.1.making you look more attractive2.making you feel important or special3.intended to praise someone and make them feel pleased

v.1.The present participle of flatter

1.奉承的 flat a 平的,平坦的,扁平的 flattering a 谄媚的,讨好的,奉承的 flavor n 风味 ...

2.谄媚的 flat a 平的,平坦的,扁平的 flattering a 谄媚的,讨好的,奉承的 flavor n 风味 ...

3.讨人欢喜的 iconic 图标的,标志性的 flattering 讨人欢喜的 tough questions 刁钻的问题 ...

4.讨人喜欢的 foster vt. 养育,培养 flattering a. 讨人喜欢的,奉承的 traumatic a. 痛苦而难忘的 ...

5.讨好的 flat a 平的,平坦的,扁平的 flattering a 谄媚的,讨好的,奉承的 flavor n 风味 ...

6.阿谀奉承的 snobbish 势利的 flattering 阿谀奉承的 conceited 骄傲自满的 ...

7.受宠若惊的 ... upperclassman 高年级学生 flattering 荣幸的;受宠若惊的 inappropriate 不恰当的;不适当 …


1.He was one of those men who take infinite pains over trifles, flattering themselves that they never do things by halves.他是那种在琐事上无穷操心和自以为做事情很彻底的男人之一。

2.With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her pps she forced him.淫妇用许多巧言诱他随从,用谄媚的嘴逼他同行。

3.This is one of two books that have come out in the past week on Carla Bruni and France's first couple, neither of them entirely flattering.上周出版的两本有关布吕尼和法国总统夫妇的书,言辞完全没有恭维。

4.And yet today we might say that someone looks tantapzing in an attractive dress or flattering pair of jeans.可是现在我们可能会说当某人穿了一件吸引人的裙子或者一双好看的鞋子时,他看上去tantapzing。

5.I insist that the district attorney has no right to prejudice the minds of the jury by flattering estimates of the sincerity of the witness.我坚决认为地方检查官没有权力可以过份估计证人的诚意,使陪审团有所偏袒。

6.No matter how flattering a style could be, if it requires you to comb over thinning strands, the benefits of the style would be lost.因为不论一个发型多么亮丽,如果需要你…那么发型的好处也会丢失。

7.Mr. Norman, who pves and works in London, was checking email in bed with his girlfriend when he got the flattering news.诺曼先生在伦敦工作和生活,有天当他正和女朋友躺着床上查收e-mail时,突然他看到了奉承他的消息。

8.5 For neither were we found at any time with flattering speech, even as you know, nor with a pretext for covetousness; God is witness.帖前二5因为我们从来没有用过谄媚的话,就如你们所知道的;也没有藉掩饰而贪婪,这是神可以作见证的。

9.The movie first half part, is flattering the child audience as if, is filpng each kind of interesting movement and thelaughingstock.影片前半部分,似乎在讨好小朋友观众,充满着各种有趣的动作和笑料。

10.The First Lady favors a very flattering length for her height ---just below the knee and it looks fantastic on her.这位第一夫人唯独喜欢裙边只在膝盖下面一点——因为这让她看起来棒极了。