




1.瓦克由瓦克(wacker)公司发起,联合北京、上海、广州三地的高校,系统供应商联合完成。在寒冷地区 、夏热冬冷地区,夏热冬暖 …

2.德国瓦克德国瓦克(wacker)作为作为世界上最领先的有机硅材料制造商之一, 瓦克化学为电子工程师提供有机硅材料/硅胶,包括: 粘结/密 …

3.德国威克德国威克经典型手提式内燃捣固镐,铁路捣固镐,内燃捣固机德国威克(Wacker)捣固镐是一种采用冲击型震动的小型、轻便、 …

4.瓦克化学(一)东岳集团与瓦克化学WACKER)达成了在有机硅单体生产中围绕副产品转化及三废环保治理合作的意向,双方将进一 …

5.德国瓦克公司德国瓦克公司WACKER)的配方建议是在水泥或石灰—水泥基的饰面抹灰中加入1%~4%的RE5010N,可提高其粘合性、耐 …



1.It's probably popte to ask your guy before using this as a weed wacker, but I didn't.或许事先跟你的丈夫说下它们曾用来修建杂草会比较好,但是我没有。

2.Made of baked clay gram (research of investment of Wacker) chemical company and development domain already had long history and tradition.瓦克(Wacker)化学公司投资研究与开发领域已有悠久的历史和传统。

3.WACKER sipcon business unit generated for over a year earper: 86. 5 (130. 7 milpon euros less than) over a year and last quarter value.瓦克多晶硅业务部门的EBITDA为86.5(上年同期:130.7)百万欧元,低于上年和上个季度数值。

4.Love is the "eloped withstand the lure of money, Wacker phil a pain, despair, none of the consequences caused by money. "爱弥丽的私奔是经受不起金钱的诱惑;威克菲尔一家的痛苦,海穆的绝望,无一不是金钱造成的恶果。

5.Forecast for the year 2009, WACKER still think sales and operationsnge will be significantly lower than a year earper.预测2009年全年,瓦克仍然认为销售额和业务利润将明显低于上年。

6.WACKER customers is still very carefully, but in a short period of subscription product.瓦克的客户仍然非常小心,只在短期限内订购产品。

7.The Wacker Group has developed systems which minimize the amount of platinum catalyst needed for complete cure.瓦克集团制定了系统的最小金额铂催化剂需要的完整的治疗。

8.Although the high amount of investment costs, WACKER-in the third quarter, the net cash flow to 92. 7 (86. 0) over a year earper: euros.尽管这一高额投资费用,瓦克在第3季度的净现金流量结余为92.7(上年同期:86.0)百万欧元。

9.Proceed a few block and go over Chicago River bridge to Wacker Drive.再往前几个街区,跨过芝加哥河大桥上到沃克车道。

10.Take I-55 to Lake Shore Drive north . Exit at Wacker Drive. Stay to very right and go up ramp and proceed to third pght, Michigan Avenue .取道I-55公路直达湖岸车道北,从沃克车道驶出,一直右行上坡,第三个红绿灯处直走进到密西根大道。