




1.鸢尾 牙牙= Fang 芙蓉= Fleur 路威= Fluffy ...

3.美花 威德 VIDOR 弗乐 FLEUR 凯迪 CANDY ...

5.花乐梅 Aphra 艾芙拉 (像小鹿一样) Fleur 芙勒 (花香) Luna 卢娜 (月亮) ...

7.花朵 闪粉爱恋 F for Fascinating 花朵 Fleur 永属我 Forever Mine For Women ...


1.For a time the relationship of Michael and Fleur appeared happier, and Fleur gave birth to a son, whom they named Christopher.有一段时间,迈克尔和弗勒的关系似乎融洽一些。弗勒生了一个儿子,取名克里斯托弗。

2.Fleur won the case, but the victory brought her so many snubs from former friends that she was more unhappy than ever.弗勒打赢了官司,但这场胜利却招致朋友们对她的冷落,使她感到更加不快活。

3.Jon's conscience would not let him fall in love again with Fleur, but she managed to be near him as often as she could.乔恩的良心已不允许他再和弗勒相爱,但弗勒却设法尽可能地常接近他。

4.Fleur , discontented with her pfe in London, persuaded Soames to take her on a trip around the world.弗勒不满她在伦敦的生活。她说服索姆斯带她去周游世界。

5.While in Washington, Fleur , Michael, and Soames stayed at the hotel where Jon Forsyte and his mother, Irene, were also staying.在华盛顿时,弗勒、迈克尔和索姆斯,与乔恩·福赛特和他的母亲艾琳住在同一家旅馆里。

6.Back in London, with the Marjorie Ferrar affair almost forgotten, Fleur was eager for activity.弗勒回到伦敦后,差不多已经忘记了马乔里·弗拉尔事件。

7.Fleur whisked round, threw him a wave of her hand.芙蕾一个转身,向他扬一扬手。

8.So Fleur was part veela, thought Harry, making a mental note to tell Ron. . . then he remembered that Ron wasn't speaking to him.这就是说芙蓉有媚娃血统,哈利想,心里盘算着要告诉罗恩……然后他才想到罗恩现在不和他说话。

9.Sir Harry's much younger wife, Fleur, cannot stand his droopng and has her eye on her personal trainer.哈里先生的妻子弗勒,年轻许多,无法忍受他的垂涎,盯上了自己的私人教练。

10.Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur pned up in front of Aunt Petunia's gleaming sink.罗恩、赫敏、弗雷德、乔治和芙蓉在佩妮姨妈那闪闪发亮的洗涤槽前站成一排。